CCGs Commissioning Guidance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

Guidance to support the introduction of access and waiting times standards for mental health services in 2015/16

By NHS England (2015)

This guidance is aimed at CCGs and how new access and waiting time standards for mental health services are to be introduced. It explains the case for change in four areas and sets out the expectations of local commissioners for delivery during the year ahead working with providers and other partners.

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Children Finance Public Mental Health

Investing in children's mental health: a review of evidence on the costs and benefits of increased service provision

By Centre for Mental Health (2015)

This report makes the case for investing in children’s mental health services as it is excellent value for money and will bring a lifetime of benefits to young people, their families, communities and the economy as a whole. It also warns that to achieve the best value for money, children’s mental health services need to reach out to those who need them most and to be delivered to a high standard.

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Commissioning General Practice Mental Health Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

Choice in mental health care: guidance on implementing patients legal rights to choose the provider and team for their mental health care

By NHS England (2014)

This guidance aims to help commissioners, GPs and providers support mental health patients exercising their legal rights to choose who provides their care and treatment. This guidance has been updated to reflect suggestions from consultation which highlighted the need for further clarity and it also includes a set of clinical scenarios to illustrate how mental health patients’ legal rights should work in practice.

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Mental Health Nursing Public Mental Health

Frontline First Turning back the clock? RCN report on mental health services in the UK

By Royal College of Nursing (2014)

This special report seeks to highlight the issues facing the mental health nursing community and puts the case forward for greater investment in this vital service in conjunction with Rethink Mental Illness.

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CYP Healthcare Patient Experience Public Mental Health

On the edge: ChildLine spotlight: suicide

By ChildLine (20140

This report looks at what young people have told ChildLine, and examines what they need when they are already distressed and contemplating taking their own lives. It outlines the key issues young people raised and how the stigma of suicide means that the adults in their lives are failing to spot the signs, finding it hard to listen to their distress, and are sometimes providing inadequate levels of support.

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Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

How to commission better mental health and well-being services for young people

By Mental Health Foundation (2014)

This guide is aimed at those with a responsibility for commissioning mental health and wellbeing services for young people, and draws on young people’s own experiences. It is based on Right Here, a pioneering five- year programme run by the Mental Health Foundation and Paul Hamlyn Foundation at four sites across the UK.

Click here to view this guide

Care of the Elderly Dementia Public Mental Health

Dementia: opportunity for change

By The Alzheimer’s Society (2014)

This report provides a snapshot of how well people with dementia are living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It draws together evidence from a survey of over 1,000 people with dementia

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Public Mental Health

Preventing suicide: a global imperative

By WHO (September 2014)

This report aims to increase awareness of the public health significance of suicide and suicide attempts, to make suicide prevention a higher priority on the global public health agenda, and to encourage and support countries to develop or strengthen comprehensive suicide prevention strategies in a multisectoral public health approach. It provides a global knowledge base on suicide and suicide attempts as well as actionable steps for countries based on their current resources and context to move forward in suicide prevention.

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Cancer Care of the Elderly CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infection Control Library Long-Term Conditions Mortality Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Sexual Health

Public Health England marketing strategy

By Public Health England (2014)

Our new national public health system represents a once in a lifetime
opportunity to improve people’s lives. In this document Public Health England’s
national health marketing team outlines how it will support this new system
to deliver.

Click here to view this strategy

Care of the Elderly Dementia Long-Term Conditions Public Mental Health

Improving dementia: long-term care: a policy blueprint

By RAND Corporation (2014)

This document aims to provide a foundation upon which to build consensus among a set of stakeholders to set priorities and the sequencing of policy recommendations. The authors identified 25 high-impact policy options covering five broad objectives to improve dementia long-term services and supports delivery system, workforce, and financing.

Click here to view this document