CCGs Commissioning Public Mental Health

Mental health and the market

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This briefing summarises the main findings of a Department of Health commissioned report on the current landscape for mental health service provision in England. It aims to provide CCGs with a clearer understanding of the way in which the market currently operates in the mental health sector, and will assist in the development of effective commissioning arrangements.

Click here to view this briefing

Community Patient Experience Public Mental Health Social Care

Community mental health survey 2012

By Care Quality Commission (2012)

This survey of over 15,000 people on their experiences of community mental health services found that they are treated with dignity and respect by the health or social care worker they had seen most recently. However, some would have liked more support in getting help with aspects of day-to-day living.

Click here to view the brefing note

Click here to view the national tables

Click here to view results by NHS Trust

Guidance Public Mental Health

Preventing suicide in England: a cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives

By HM Government & Department of Health (2012)

This all-age suicide prevention strategy builds on the 2002 national suicide prevention strategy. It supports action by bringing together knowledge about groups at higher risk of suicide, applying evidence of effective interventions and highlighting resources available.  This will support local decision-making, while recognising the autonomy of local organisations to decide what works in their area.

Click here to view the guidance

Library Public Mental Health Well-Being

Out of sight: stopping the neglect and abuse of people with a learning difficulty

By Mencap  (2012)

This report calls for action to prevent people with a learning disability being sent to institutions where they are at risk of abuse and neglect. It suggests measures such as the development of local services by commissioners that specifically meet the needs of children and adults with learning disabilities, the integration of local assessment and treatment units with local services, and frequent, rigorous inspections by the Care Quality Commission.

Click here to view this report

Community Health Promotion Public Mental Health

Peer support in mental health and learning disability

By Mental Health Foundation (August 2012)

This briefing paper provides an overview of peer support in mental health (including dementia) and learning disabilities, based on some of the recent literature. It looks at how peer support can help people to recover, or get more control over their condition, and to live fulfilling lives in their communities.

Click here to view this briefing

Library Public Mental Health

NIHR Mental Health Research Network guide to finding and reading a research paper

By National Institute for Health Research (2012)

This guide is aimed at helping the general public, service users, and carers gain access to the results of mental health research. It explains how research is published as research papers, what the different sort of papers are, how they are structured, how to identify a particular research paper and, finally, how to get hold of it. Many useful links are also provided.

Click here to view this guide

Alcohol General Practice Public Mental Health Tobacco & Drugs Well-Being

The Austerity Britain Report: the impact of the recession on the UKs health, according to GPs

By Insight Research Group (August 2012)

This report is the result of a GP opinion survey which aimed to better understand the impact that the economic downturn of the last four years has had on the nation’s health, and how this may have impacted on GPs’ practices. It questioned GPs broadly at the impact of the recession on family planning, alcohol abuse, wellbeing, mental health and the impact on GPs themselves.

Click here to view this report

Guidance Maternal Public Mental Health

Maternal mental health pathway

By Department of Health (2012)

New guidance provides a structured approach on common issues associated with maternal mental health and wellbeing, from pregnancy through the early months after the birth.

Click here to view this guidance

Public Mental Health Young People

Costs of eating disorders in England: Economic impacts of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other disorders, focussing on young people

By Pro Bono Economics and Beat (2012)

A newly released report carried out for Beat by a volunteer economist from the charity Pro Bono Economics (PBE) has found an overall estimated cost of £1.26 billion per year to the English economy from eating disorders – but this could be much higher.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Children Commissioning Community Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Public Mental Health Third Sector

Maternal mental health pathway

By Department of Health (2012)

This guidance provides a structured approach on common issues associated with maternal mental health and wellbeing, from pregnancy through the early months after the birth. It focuses on the role of the health visitor but also recognises the contributions of partners in midwifery, mental health, general practice and the third sector. It aims to strengthen the consistent provision support and care through enhanced partnership working.

Click here to view this guidance