CCGs Commissioning Local Government Public Mental Health

No health without mental health: guides for local services

By Centre for Mental Health (2012)

A partnership of leading mental health charities has launched a series of briefings to help develop better local mental health services. Following the publication of the implementation framework for the Government’s mental health strategy, these briefings set out the steps that local authorities and NHS commissioning groups can take to improve mental health care, treatment and support. The briefings explain in practical terms the ways that the new local structures and organisations can make sure that there are good quality mental health services in their local area as well as improving mental health and wellbeing for everyone in the community.

CCGs Commissioning Library Social Care

Outcomes matter: effective commissioning in domicillary care

By Local Government Information Unit (October 2012)

This report argues that a culture of delivering care in 15 minute time slots is affecting the quality of life of older people and other recipients of social care services. It highlights the challenges and opportunities faced by commissioners and provides a commissioning checklist for domicilary care.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning End of Life Care Library Social Care

Commissioning person centred end of life care: a toolkit for health and social care professional

NHS National End of Life Care Programme (2012)

This guide identifies the main elements involved in commissioning end of life care services, explains the commissioning cycle in practical terms and offers a four-stage approach across all sectors. It provides a wide range of links to tools and sources of support for both commissioners and providers of services. It also showcases good practice and seeks to indicate what a well-commissioned end of life care service looks like.

Click here to view this guide

CCGs Commissioning Guidance Health Promotion Integrated Care Public Mental Health Social Care Well-Being

Incorporating mental health and employment in your joint strategic needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy

By London Mental Health & Employment Partnerships (September 2012)

This guidance highlights the importance of health and employment to CCGs, HWBs, directors of adult social service and other partners responsible for promoting public health and delivering personal responses to people at risk of long-term illness and social exclusion. It aims to help local commissioners and planners incorporate mental and employment considerations into their joint needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy.

Click here to view this guidance

CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library Local Government Social Care Well-Being

Improving the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabiltites: an evidence-based commissioning guide for clinical commissioning groups

By Improving Health & Lives: Learning Disabilities Observatory (2012)

The guide is intended to help CCGs commission high quality, cost effective general and specialist health services for people with learning disabilities; jointly commission services for people who challenge services and those with complex needs; and work with health and wellbeing boards, local authorities and others to address the social factors which affect the health of people with learning disabilities.

Click here to view this guide

CCGs Commissioning Guidance Library

Sessional GPs in commissioning

By The Royal College of General Practitioners  (October 2012)

This report surveyed sessional GPs and those involved in emerging CCGs in order to find how engaged sessional GPs are with commissioning and to find examples of best practice, models of inclusion, engagement and leadership including the necessary conditions for their success, along with any barriers preventing these.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Public Mental Health

Mental health and the market

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This briefing summarises the main findings of a Department of Health commissioned report on the current landscape for mental health service provision in England. It aims to provide CCGs with a clearer understanding of the way in which the market currently operates in the mental health sector, and will assist in the development of effective commissioning arrangements.

Click here to view this briefing

CCGs Commissioning Library Value

Identifying "value opportunities" in local commissioning

By Right Care (September 2012)

This case study from West Cheshire PCT and CCGs demonstrates the use of Right Care principles to identify service improvements that can generate savings for re-investment, service quality, and outcomes improvements. It combines the use of spend and outcome tools, analysis of variation, and programme budgeting with service reviews and business process engineering techniques to deliver reform, innovation and efficiency proposals. £7 million was generated across three service areas in one wave of service reviews, as part of a successful £15m QIPP programme. The approach has already been replicated in other CCGs in the region and has contributed to successful CCG authorisation panel reviews.

Click here to view this case study

CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library

Getting to grips with integrated 24/7 emergency and urgent care: a pratical way forward for clinical commissioners

By NHS Alliance  (October 2012)

This report is designed to help commissioners implement effective integrated urgent care strategies in their local areas.

Click here to view this report


CCGs Commissioning General Practice Guidance Library

Commissioning guides – supporting clinical service redesign

By NICE (2012)

NICE commissioning guides are topic-specific, web-based resources.

Each commissioning guide comprises a series of text-based web pages that signpost and provide topic-specific information on key clinical and service-related issues to consider during the commissioning process. Each guide contains a commissioning and benchmarking tool, which is a resource that can be used to estimate and inform the level of service needed locally as well as the cost of local commissioning decisions.

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