End of Life Care General Practice Library

Finding your 1%: helping GPs to support people to live and die well

By National End of Life Care Programme (November 2012)

This resource pack has been developed to be a practical tool to help GPs identify those patients who may be in their last year of life and talk to them about their preferences. It contains information on: identifying people at the end of life; having end of life care conversations; putting plans in place; managing and co-ordinating care; and space for GPs to include local information such as the telephone numbers of hospices, palliative care teams and pharmacies which stock palliative care drugs.

Click here to view this resource pack


General Practice Library Patient Experience Patient Satisfaction Value

Improving GP services in England: exploring the association between quality of care and the experience of patients

By The King’s Fund (2012)

Using data from more than 8,000 general practices in England, this paper examines the association between patients’ perceptions about the non-clinical aspects of care and practice performance on measures of clinical quality. It identifies clinical effectiveness and patient experience as key domains of health care quality; that there is a correlation between positive patient experiences and higher QOF outcome scores; and that patients’ experience of using their GP services can affect their use and interaction with those services.

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Children General Practice Public Mental Health Young People

Talking self-harm

By Young Minds (2012)

This report argues that there is a need for more awareness about self-harm amongst young people, parents and professionals. It makes recommendations for more training for healthcare professionals and places emphasis on the need for guidance for GPs on how assessment tools such as NICE guidelines can support the consultation and referral process.

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General Practice Library Patient Experience Patient Satisfaction

Primary care: patients and GPs – partners in care?

By the Patients Association (September 2012)

Patients want to be more involved in their care but feel GPs are currently not delivering good communication or shared decision making, according to a snapshot of opinion published by The Patients Association today.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Guidance Library

Commissioning guides – supporting clinical service redesign

By NICE (2012)

NICE commissioning guides are topic-specific, web-based resources.

Each commissioning guide comprises a series of text-based web pages that signpost and provide topic-specific information on key clinical and service-related issues to consider during the commissioning process. Each guide contains a commissioning and benchmarking tool, which is a resource that can be used to estimate and inform the level of service needed locally as well as the cost of local commissioning decisions.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Library

Primary care for the 21st century: learning from New Zealand's independent practitioner associations

By The Nuffield Trust (September 2012)

The authors found that clinical commissioning groups may need to form wider networks to secure the active engagement of GPs. Giving GPs genuine (not just on paper) independence is critical and public health does not currently appear to be a natural priority for GP groups, so time and support will be needed to allow them to develop in this area of their work.

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Community General Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care

Guide to new health and care system

By Department of Health (2012)

This page provides a brief introduction to the statutory bodies making up the new health and care system, explaining how they will work together in the interests of patients and communities.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Library

Primary care: today tomorrow – improving general practice by working differently

By Deloitte (May 2012)

Primary Care: Today and Tomorrow’, examines the capacity and capability of general practice now and in the future, with a focus on GPs and general practice nurses. The report highlights the need for general practice to work differently to cope effectively with the increasing demands it faces.  This will be especially pertinent as GPs take on the role of commissioners of local healthcare services.

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General Practice Library

General Practice 2022 – a call to action

By The Royal College of General Practitioners (September 2012)

The RCGP is encouraging as many people as possible to contribute to its vision for the future of general practice – with GPs at the heart of a transformation of health services to deliver the best possible patient care over the next ten years.

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CCGs General Practice Library Secondary Care Third Sector

Impact assessment: the new NHS provider licence

By Monitor ( September 2012)

This independent report analyses the costs and benefits of each of the proposed licence conditions which set out various obligations on providers of NHS services. The conditions fall into six broad groups: general, pricing, choice and competition, integrated care, continuity of services, and NHS foundation trusts.

Click here to view this report