Care of the Elderly General Practice Guidance Integrated Care Licensing Long-Term Conditions Planning

Transforming primary care: safe, proactive, personalised care for those who need it most

By Department of Health (2014)

This guidance sets out plans for more proactive, personalised and joined up care, including the Proactive Care Programme, providing the 800,000 patients with the most complex health and care needs with a personal care and support plan; a named accountable GP; a professional to coordinate their care; and same-day telephone consultations. The plan builds on the role of primary care in keeping patients well and independent. It explains how professionals across the healthcare system can work together to transform care to become more proactive and tailored to patients’ individual need.

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Cancer General Practice Good Practice Well-Being

Cancer's unequal burden

By Macmillan Cancer Support (2014)

This report finds that there is a large variation in survival and the long-term impact on survivors’ health for breast, prostate, lung and brain cancers. It urges NHS leaders and GPs to adopt the solutions in the report and use the research to better plan cancer services. These include improving early diagnosis; providing equal access to the best available treatment; implementing the ‘cancer recovery package’; and encouraging people with cancer to be physically active.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

CCGs one year on: member engagement and primary care development

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This slideshow presents the results of a survey of GPs in six CCG areas which investigated the experiences of member of CCGs over their first year. Whilst less than half of the GPs surveyed felt that decisions made by CCGs reflected their views, the research also suggests that three times as many GPs think that they can influence the work of their CCG than they could their predecessors, PCTs. The survey is an interim finding from ongoing work between The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust to understand how CCGs are developing.

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Accident Prevention Community Safety Finance General Practice Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning and funding general practice: making the case for family care networks

By The King’s Fund (2014)

The pressure of a growing and ageing population (many of whom have long-term conditions, compounded by risk factors like obesity, smoking and alcohol misuse), is made all the more pressing by the well-documented financial challenges that the entire health system faces – but are keenly felt within general practice. For a number of years, we have been making the case for the central role that general practice should play in delivering integrated care, alongside colleagues in the community, social and acute care. We have recently worked with four groups of general practices across England that are already working in this way, adapting local contracting and funding streams to influence the way they work together with local providers to deliver services to better meet the specific needs of their population. However, the technicalities of these contracting and funding streams are complex and not well understood by many general practices across the country. This prevents many from innovating in a similar way.

In Commissioning and funding for general practice, we argue for a new approach to funding general practice, where GPs take control of a population-based capitated contract that enables them to either provide or ‘buy’ services for the patients on their registered list. Commissioners would build certain outcomes into this contract, but would not specify how they are to be delivered – practices would be responsible for finding ways to work together and in partnership with other providers to deliver care that achieves these outcomes. Over time, we see ‘family care networks’ emerging that provide forms of care well beyond what is currently available in general practices.

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General Practice Nutrition Obesity

State of the nations waistline: obesity in the UK: analysis and expectations

By National Obesity Forum (2013)

This report aims to audit the situation in the UK, to identify what initiatives and policy exists, and to assess their effectiveness in tackling obesity and weight management issues. It highlights a lack of support and guidance for those who are obese or morbidly obese as well as a deficiency in GP knowledge of support services.

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Cancer General Practice Young People

Improving diagnosis

By Teenage Cancer Trust (October 2013)

This report found that over a third of young people with cancer (37%) are diagnosed through admission to accident and emergency. This is nearly three times the number of adults diagnosed in this way (13%). Of these young people, over a quarter (26%) had already been to see their GP with cancer symptoms. It also highlights that diagnosis through A&E is associated with poorer prognosis and poorer care experience.

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General Practice Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Securing the future of general practice: new models of primary care

By Nuffield Trust (2013)

This report from the Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund examines the new GP organisations forming to allow care provision at greater scale.

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Community General Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Third Sector

Guide to the healthcare system in England

By The NHS Constitution (2013)

This guide explains organisations in the healthcare system and how they work together. The accountability statement explains how decision making works in the NHS and fulfills the commitment set out in principle 7 of the NHS constitution.

Click here to view this guide

General Practice Library

Primary concerns: a survey of healthcare professionals

By Camden Health (2013)

This survey of GPs, practice managers and nurses reveals a lack of support for the recent NHS reforms. As well as polling participants on attitudes towards the changes and the impact of these changes, the survey also asked NHS staff about their opinions on the quality of care and alternative therapies.

Click here to view this survey

General Practice Library Patient Satisfaction

Patient online: the road map

By Royal College of General Practitioners (2013)

This guidance aims to support GP practices in providing online access for patients. It looks at the principles of online access to records by patients; steps to offering access; and the principles around training, education and support for practices. Issues around information governance, including third party data and GP workload, are taken into account.

Click here to read this guidance