Alcohol Substance Misuse Substance Use Tobacco & Drugs

Falling drug use: the impact of treatment

By National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (2013)

This commentary piece accompanies the release of prevelance data on the usage of opiates and crack cocaine. It identifies a shift away from more harmful drugs, particularly amongst younger users and this is mirrored by a fall in the number of people entering treatment for drug dependency.

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Alcohol Health Promotion Integrated Care Local Government Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Local tobacco control profiles for England

By Public Health England (2013)

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England provides a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level. These profiles have been designed to help local government and health services to assess the effect of tobacco use on their local populations. They will inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities.

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Alcohol Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Local tobacco control profiles for England

By Public Health England (February 2013)

These profiles provides a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level. They are designed to help local government and health services to assess the effect of tobacco use on their local populations. They aim to inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities.

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Alcohol Illegal Drugs Local Government Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Tackling drugs and alcohol: local government's new public health role

By Local Government Association (January 2013)

This briefing for councillors and officers explains the challenges facing councils and the opportunities they have to tackle drug and alcohol problems and reduce health inequalities in local communities.

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Alcohol Commissioning Illegal Drugs Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Drugs and alcohol Payment by Results (PbR) pilot evaluation: scoping and feasibility report

By National Drug Evidence Centre, University of Manchester (2012)

This report, commissioned by the Department of Health, looks at a pilot project which took a new approach to commissioning and delivering drug and alcohol misuse treatment.

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Alcohol Children Health Promotion Healthy Settings Tobacco & Drugs

Feeling the effects

By Demos (2012)

While the focus of alcohol policy tends to be on tackling public disorder, the worst damage done by hazardous drinking in the UK is in the home. According to the latest figures, more than 2.5 million children in the UK, including 90,000 babies, are living with a parent who is drinking alcohol ‘hazardously’. In this report think-tank Demos considers the impact of parental drinking behaviour on parenting style. Findings suggest that the more a parent drinks, the less likely they are to be a ‘tough love’ parent. This report argues for targeted information awareness campaigns aimed at parents to help them consider their parenting style and the impact of alcohol on parenting ability.

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Alcohol Children Health Promotion Smoking Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Influence of Tobacco Displays and Ads on Youth: A Virtual Store Experiment

Kim, AE. et al. Journal of Pediatrics, 2013, 131(1): 1-10

The objective of this study was to examine the potential impact of banning tobacco displays and ads at the point of sale (POS) on youth outcomes.

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Alcohol Social Media Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Assessment of Young People's Exposure to Alcohol Marketing in Audiovisual and Online Media

By The Rand Corporation (2012)

The overall aim of the work presented in this report was to use novel approaches to measure alcohol advertisement exposure among young people in Europe through audiovisual and online media.

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Alcohol Health Promotion Tobacco & Drugs

European action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol 2012-2020

By World Health Organisation (2012)

This action plan outlines a range of evidence-based policy options to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. It is closely linked to 10 action areas of the global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2010.

Click here to view this action plan

Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Binge – Drinking to get drunk: Influences on young adult drinking behaviours

By Alcohol Concern (2012)

Alcohol Concern and Balance, the North East Alcohol Office, collaborated to consult 1,000 young people aged 16-24 years across the UK about what defines and influences their age group’s relationship to alcohol. Price and promotion are identified as important influences on ‘binge’ drinking in the UK.

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