Alcohol Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Tobacco & Drugs

Effectiveness of school-based life-skills and alcohol education programmes: a review of the literature

By NFER (2013)

This summary presents the findings of a review of UK and international academic literature published since 2008, undertaken by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) on behalf of Alcohol Research UK, between February and April 2013.

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Alcohol Public Mental Health Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking and mental health

By Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (2013)

This briefing provides the background to smoking prevalence and the consequences for people with mental illness. It examines the evidence of what works to reduce harm from smoking for this group, and how providers are implementing the smoking ban in practice.

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Alcohol Children Community Crime Illegal Drugs Substance Misuse Substance Use Tobacco & Drugs

No quick fix: exposing the depth of Britain's drug and alcohol problem

By The Centre for Social Justice (2013)

This report lays bare the reality of substance abuse and addiction in Britain today. This ongoing challenge affects millions of people and has huge costs. Alcohol abuse costs taxpayers £21 billion a year and drugs £15 billion. While costs matter, it is the human consequences that present the real tragedy. The abuse of substances is a pathway to poverty and can lead to family breakdown and child neglect, homelessness, crime, debt, and long-term worklessness. From its impact on children to its consequences for those in later life, addiction destroys lives, wrecks families and blights communities.

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Alcohol Good Practice Health Promotion Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking cessation: supporting people to stop smoking

By NICE (August 2013)

This quality standard on smoking cessation includes five statements designed to help improve the support offered to people who want to stop smoking. It recommends that primary care professionals ask patients whether they smoke, and that those who smoke are offered advice on how to stop. It also recommends that people who smoke are offered a referral to an evidence-based smoking cessation service.

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Alcohol Children Smoking Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Efficacy of a Text Message-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Young People: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Haug, S. et al. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2013; 15(8)

Smoking prevalence remains high, particularly among adolescents and young adults with lower educational levels, posing a serious public health problem. There is limited evidence of effective smoking cessation interventions in this population.

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Alcohol Commissioning Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Tobacco & Drugs

Making recovery a reality in your community

By Alcohol Concern et al (2013)

This briefing urges commissioners to tackle the poorly integrated support received by those with overlapping needs. It identifies new commissioning arrangements in public health and the NHS as an opportunity to put recovery at the heart of commissioning to build better lives for people with multiple needs. It argues that by focusing on what matters most to people’s lives – a home, a job, family and friends – services can enable people with multiple needs to build better lives on their own terms.

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Alcohol Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Free market solutions in health: the case of nicotine

By The Institute of Economic Affairs (July 2013)

This report argues that regulation of alternative nicotine products will actually do more harm than good as these products are not a gateway to smoking, but a gateway from smoking. The report makes recommendations for the availability of e-cigarettes as a standard consumer product and the introduction of competition into the alternative nicotine product market in order to foster safer products at lower prices for consumers.

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Alcohol Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Consultation on standardised packaging of tobacco products: summary report

By Department of Health (July 2013)

This report provides an overview of the responses to the consultation on standardised packaging of tobacco products and the main themes raised. The government has decided to wait until the emerging impacts of standardised tobacco packaging in Australia can be measured before making a final decision on this policy in England. This policy remains under consideration.

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Alcohol Payment by Results Tobacco & Drugs

Performance of Payment by Results pilot areas: April 2012-February 2013

By Department of Health (2013)

This document provides an overview of the performance to date of the drugs and alcohol recovery PbR pilots. It covers 11 months from the start of the PbR pilots in April 2012 to the latest data available at the end of February 2013.

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Alcohol Public Mental Health Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking and mental health

By the Royal College of Physicians (2013)

This report argues that smoking in people with mental health conditions is neglected by the NHS. It reveals that much of the substantially lower life expectancy of people with mental disorders relates to smoking, which is often overlooked during the management and treatment of their mental health condition. It makes recommendations for all mental health services to become smoke-free areas and for increased smoking cessation support for people with mental disorders.

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