Library Social Care

Social care jargon buster: 52 of the most commonly used social care words and phrases and what they mean

By Think Local Act Personal (2013)

This glossary is a plain English guide to the most commonly used social care words and phrases and what they mean.

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Good Practice Healthy Settings Information Library Licensing Planning

Information: to share or not to share: Government response to the Caldicott Review

By Department of Health (September 2013)

The government accepts all the recommendations of the Caldicott report and highlights that while information sharing is essential to provide good care for everyone, there are rules that must be followed.

The ambitions of this response are that:

  • everyone will feel confident that information about their health and care is secure, protected and shared appropriately when that is in their interest
  • people will be better informed about how their information is used and shared while they are receiving care, including how it could be used in anonymised form for research, for public health and to create better services
  • if people don’t want their information to be shared in this way, they will know how to object if they want to
  • people will be increasingly able to access their own health and care records

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Francis Inquiry Healthy Settings Library Local Government Patient Experience

Safety, quality, trust: briefing for council scrutiny about Francis Report

By Centre for Public Scrutiny (September 2013)

This briefing is about how council scrutiny can support improvements in quality and patient experience and help the local NHS put patients first. Robert Francis had clear messages about council scrutiny and this briefing suggests some first steps for council scrutiny to consider in responding and improving scrutiny practice and outcomes in relation to holding the NHS to account.

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change Healthy Settings Library Value Well-Being

Employee outlook: focus on culture change and patient care in the NHS

By CIPD (Autumn 2013)

CIPD, in partnership with the Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA), commissioned YouGov to conduct a survey of employees working in the healthcare sector in the UK to find out their attitudes to working in the sector, the values in NHS organisations, trust within the health service, and culture change to improve patient care in the NHS.

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change Library Patient Satisfaction Well-Being

British Social Attitudes 30

By NatCen Social Research (2013)

This report charts three decades of public views on British society, politics and morality. It also details how the public’s view of the NHS has changed over the last 30 years and examines how satisfaction with the NHS has changed and how this correlates with particular policies or spending.

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Library Public Mental Health Young People

"Alone with my thoughts" Recommendations for a new approach to young people's mental health support

By Mindfull (2013)

This report has been released to accompany the launch of a free online counselling service for young people. The report is based on a YouGov survey of over 2000 young people which found that over half of those who had shown signs of depression as children felt that they had been let down in their experience of mental health support. It calls for early intervention and prevention as well as increased professional support and advice.

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Care of the Elderly CVD Healthy Settings Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Patient Experience Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Respiratory Disease Secondary Care

Review into the quality of care and treatment provided by 14 hospital trusts in England: overview report

By Professor Sir Bruce Keogh KBE (July 2013)

Sir Bruce Keogh’s review into 14 hospital trusts in England is the result of a series of ‘deep-dive’ reviews into other hospitals with mortality rates which have been consistently high for two years or more. It found that all 14 trusts will have to undertake strict improvement plans and 11 will be placed into special measures to ensure that Sir Bruce’s recommendations are fully implemented and patient care improves.

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Library Social Care

Paying for social care: beyond Dilnot

By The King’s Fund (2013)

The government’s commitment to implementing the proposals of the Dilnot Commission has been included in the Care Bill that is now before parliament. This paper considers the planning and funding needed to meet the social care needs of the future and calls for the total quantity of resources to be assessed to ensure that people have access to the right level of support.
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Francis Inquiry Library

Patient-centred leadership: rediscovering our purpose

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This report summarises the main findings of the Francis Inquiry into the failings of care at Mid Staffordshire in relation to NHS leadership and culture. It sets out what needs to be done to avoid similar failures in future, focusing on the role of three key ‘lines of defence’ against poor-quality care: frontline clinical teams, the boards leading NHS organisations, and national organisations responsible for overseeing the commissioning, regulation and provision of care.

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Think piece: in place of fear: narrowing health inequalities

By Centre for Labour and Social Studies (2013)

This think piece discusses the rise of health inequalities, particularly in relation to the rise in social and economic disparities. It discusses the impact that policy changes might make on remedying health inequalities in England.

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