Library Smoking Smoking Cessation

Electronic cigarettes

By ASH (2014)

This Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) briefing summarises the evidence on electronic cigarettes.

Click here to view this summary

Finance Library Obesity

Overcoming obesity: an initial economic analysis

By McKinsey Global Institute (2014)

This discussion paper brings together a range of case studies and examples of obesity interventions from around the world and presents them with an initial assessment of their cost-effectiveness.

Click here to view this discussion paper

Finance Library

Financial sustainability of local authorities 2014

By National Audit Office (2014)

This report finds that local authorities have coped well with reductions in government funding, but some groups of authorities are showing clear signs of financial stress. However, it finds that The Department for Communities and Local Government has a limited understanding of authorities’ financial sustainability and the impacts of funding cuts on services.

Click here to view this report

Care of the Elderly Healthy Settings Library Licensing Planning Social Care

A new settlement of health and social care: final report

By The King’s Fund (September 2014)

The Barker Report proposes a new approach that redesigns care around individual needs regardless of diagnosis, with a graduated increase in support as needs rise, particularly towards the end of life.

Click here to view this report

Evidence Based Guidance Library Licensing Planning

Evidence for success: the guide to getting and using evidence

By The Knowledge Translation Network (August 2014)

This guide offers easy to follow, step-by-step guidance and resources to support organisations to use evidence to influence policy and practice. It also provides guidance on the use of evidence to influence funding and commissioning decisions and highlights other key resources.

Click here to view this resource

Cancer Care of the Elderly CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infection Control Library Long-Term Conditions Mortality Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Sexual Health

Public Health England marketing strategy

By Public Health England (2014)

Our new national public health system represents a once in a lifetime
opportunity to improve people’s lives. In this document Public Health England’s
national health marketing team outlines how it will support this new system
to deliver.

Click here to view this strategy


Tackling health inequalities: the case for investment in the wider public health workforce

By Royal Society for Public Health

Data sharing Information Governance Library Patient Confidentiality

The Peter Sowerby commissioning report: bringing together primary and secondary care data to improve patient care

By Imperial College London (2014)

After a year long investigation, the Sowerby Commission, a group of experts established by the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London with a grant from the Peter Sowerby Foundation, has concluded that there are major benefits to health from sharing records, first by ensuring all staff caring for a patient have access to details of  their condition, medication and test results, and secondly to improve care for the whole population through audit and research – the results of which should be advertised to bolster public support.

Click here to view this report


Functions of the local public health systems

By Faculty of Public Health (2014)

This document sets out the public health functions of local authorities in England and is intended to replace the draft minimum standards for public health teams published by FPH in November 2013.

Click here to view this guidance


Supporting people to manage their health: an introduction to patient activation

By The King’s Fund (2014)