Health Outcomes Health Promotion Library Patient Experience

Heads, hands and heart: asset-based approaches in health care: a review of the conceptual evidence and case studies of asset-based approaches in health, care and well-being

By The Health Foundation (2015)

This report summarises the theory and evidence behind asset-based approaches in health care and wellbeing and gives details of six case studies, describing these approaches in action. It sets out some of the opportunities and challenges in adopting asset-based approaches for improving health and wellbeing and explores some of the key principles for developing health assets and the evidence and mechanisms of impact on health outcomes of asset-based projects in the UK.

Click here to view this report


Recent trends in life expectancy at older ages


The NHS under the coalition government: part one: NHS reforms

By The King’s Fund (2015)

The Health and Social Care Act caused upheaval that has been damaging and distracting, according to our new report, which assesses the coalition government’s record on NHS reform. The report found that three years were wasted on organisational changes when the focus should have been on dealing with financial and service pressures.



It is more positive about the progress made in developing integrated care and the focus on safety and quality of patient care, which has characterised the second half of the parliament


Health Inequalities Library Obesity

How effective are interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among children and adults? Two systematic reviews

By National Institute for Health Research (2015)

Tackling obesity is one of the major contemporary public health policy challenges and is vital in terms of addressing health inequalities. This paper discusses the results of two systematic reviews and found some evidence of interventions with the potential to reduce low-socioeconomic status inequalities in obesity and that obesity management interventions do not increase health inequalities.

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Healthy Settings Information Library Long-Term Conditions Social Care Statistics Technology

Health and social care information sources: a guide for journalists

By Health & Social Care Information Centre (2015)

Health and social care information sources – a guide for journalists, England, 2015, is a resource for journalists, press teams and others with an interest in health and social care information. It is intended to signpost sources of some of the main areas of health and social care information in England.

The HSCIC produces over 220 national statistical publications per year, covering topics in health, technology and social care. These anonymised, aggregated figures provide a wealth of data and insight to the NHS and wider health and social care sectors, helping to plan services, identify trends and research into particular illnesses and conditions.

Click here to view this guide

Library Nutrition Obesity

Tackling the causes and effects of obesity

By Local Government Association (2015)

This report argues that health problems associated with being overweight or obese cost the country £5 billion per year, with numbers of people with obesity predicted to more than double in the next 40 years. It warns that councils do not have enough money in their public health budgets to properly tackle obesity once mandatory services such as sexual health and drug and alcohol services have been paid for. The report calls for a fifth of existing VAT raised on sweets, crisps, takeaway food and sugary drinks to go to boost council-run grassroots initiatives with a proven track record, such as leisure activities and health awareness campaigns.

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Alcohol Illegal Drugs Library Substance Misuse Young People

Specialist substance misuse treatment for young people in England 2013-14

By Public Health England (2015)

This report contains the latest statistics on specialist substance misuse treatment for young people in England during 2013 to 2014.

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Library Long-Term Conditions Self-Management

A rapid synthesis of the evidence on interventions supporting self-management for people with long-term conditions: PRISMS – Practical systematic RevIew of Self-Management Support for long-term conditions

By NHS National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (2015)

The aim of this research was to undertake a rapid, systematic overview of the evidence on self-management support for long-term conditions to inform health-care commissioners and providers about what works, for whom, and in what contexts.

Click here to view this research

Click here to view the research summary

Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Mortality Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs


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Children Library Local Government

Tackling poor oral health in children: local government's public health role

By Local Government Association (2014)

This briefing sets out the policy context, local government’s role, case studies, ideas for success and key questions to ask when assessing local oral health improvement delivery.

Click here to view this briefing