
New Blog Page – Literature search questions

I have added a new page to the blog called Literature Search Questions which lists all the searches I have received in the past year. Should you want any of the results sent to you then please either contact me via the blog or email me on




UK Chief Medical Officers' low risk drinking guidelines

By Public Health England (2016)

These guidelines, produced by the four UK chief medical officers, provide the most up to date scientific information to help people make informed decisions about their own drinking. The guidelines have been tested through public consultation and market research to ensure the advice is as clear and useable as possible.

Click here to view these guidelines


Evidence-informed public health

Library Statistics

Statistics on alcohol

By House of Commons Library (2016)

A summary of statistics on drinking alcohol among adults in Great Britain and children in England. Data on alcohol related hospital admissions in England and Scotland and alcohol related deaths in England is also shown.

Click here to view this briefing

Evidence Based Library Licensing Planning Research

Using research evidence: a practice guide

By Nesta & Alliance for Useful Evidence (2016)

This guide to aimed at decision-makers in government, charities, voluntary organisations, professional membership bodies and local authorities working in UK social policy and practice. It is not aimed at trained evaluators and researchers, but instead intends to foster intelligence demand for research evidence from wider audiences.

Click here to view this guide


New resource:

A&E Alcohol Library

Alcohols impact on emergency services

By Institute of Alcohol Studies (2015)

This report reveals the full extent of the toll alcohol takes on emergency services in England. It presents a survey of police officers, ambulance and paramedic staff, accident and emergency department consultants and fire officers. It outlines both the financial burden on the emergency services and the human cost to frontline staff. The report also recommends a set of evidence-based policy measures to address this issue.

Click here to view this report


Towards a more productive state

By Reform (2015)

This report calls for the Government to take a fresh approach to public sector productivity. It outlines the limitations of measuring productivity across whole sectors, such as health and education, rather than comparing productivity across organisations, such as hospitals and schools. It argues for a more coherent approach to reform that considers outcomes, rather than outputs, as the main goal of public services

Click here to view this report

Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Local Government Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

Health and social care priorities for the Government: 2015-2020

By The Nuffield Trust (2015)

This briefing outlines ten possible key health and social care priorities for the new government, covering funding and finance, quality of care, new models of care and workforce.

Click here to view this briefing