
Smartphone application for antibiotic prescribing

By Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (2012)

This report describes the development and implementation in Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, one of nine showcase hospitals, and the National Centre for Infection Prevention and Management of a smartphone application for the trust’s antibiotic prescribing policy. The aim of the report is to help directors of infection prevention and control and other staff decide whether they should consider using smartphone technology as a cost-effective means of disseminating policy and guidelines to improve practice at the point of care.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Library Patient Satisfaction

The engagement cycle

By NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement (2012)

This free web based resource is available to help you engage patients, carers and public in decisions about healthcare provision.

Refreshed for a new NHS landscape, it offers a structured framework with online access to information, resources and case studies.

Click here to view this web based resource

CCGs Library

How to measure for improving outcomes: a guide for commissioners

By The King’s Fund (2012)

These two slide sets aim to help CCGs make the best use of measurement to support them to commission for improved outcomes. The first set of slides introduces general concepts about approaches to measurement in health care, the uses of structure, process and outcome indicators, and how to achieve a good mix of indicators for commissioning. The second set looks specifically at how commissioners can build up sets of measures along whole pathways of care.

Click here to view these slides

Library Secondary Care

Developing and sustaining a practice based strategy for reducing healthcare associated infections programme

By Foundation of Nursing Studies (2012)

This evaluation report looks at a programme which aimed to enable clinically based project teams to implement a strategy for developing, changing and evaluating practice to reduce and prevent healthcare associated infections. It identified clinical leadership; effective strategic support; clinical team involvement; and use of practice development methods as key to successfully reducing healthcare associated infections.

Click here to view this report

Community Library Third Sector Well-Being

Measuring well-being: a guide for practitioners

By New Economics Foundation (2012)

This guidebook is designed primarily for voluntary organisations and community groups delivering projects and services and aims to improve the design and delivery of services through the use of wellbeing outcome measures.

Click here to view this guidebook

CCGs Commissioning Library

The new structure of the NHS in England

By The Nuffield Trust (2012)

The Health and Social Care Act (2012) introduced far-reaching reforms to how the NHS in England is organised, many of which are now underway. This slideshow details the main changes to management, accountability and funding structures resulting from the Act.

The first slides show the old and new structure in overview, together with a slide detailing the current transitional arrangements. Further slides compare the earlier arrangements that were in place for funding, regulation and monitoring, advice and performance management, and patient and public participation, with the new system at both the national and local level. The final slide outlines the new medical education and training arrangements

Click here to view the powerpoint presentation


The safer management of controlled drugs

By The Care Quality Commission (2012)

We report how CQC and our partners have continued to work to improve the safer management of controlled drugs and we look at how changes in healthcare legislation are affecting the arrangements for safer management of controlled drugs. We also report on the progress that has been made with the recommendations that were set out in the 2010 report. As the safe handling of controlled drugs remains an essential part of good quality care, we have made further recommendations to assure the safety of people who use health and social care services.

Click here to view this report


Structure of public health England

By Public Health England Transition Team  (2012)

This document sets out how Public Health England will be structured to deliver its vision. It aims to provide a helpful guide for staff who will join the new agency and for the partners it works with.

Click here to view this factsheet


Library Secondary Care Third Sector

Guides to monitoring quality during transition published

By The Department of Health (2012)

A series of “How to” guides to assist current NHS organisations, and their supervisory and regulatory bodies, to respond to quality risks and failures within a simple and single framework during this transition year has been produced.

Click here to view the ‘How To’ guides

Library Secondary Care Third Sector

Preparing for the francis report: how to ensure quality in the NHS

By The King’s Fund (2012)

This paper examines how the system of quality assurance, including regulation, needs to evolve, the principles on which it should be built and how it should operate. The authors argue that the system of quality assurance must support the actions and effectiveness of those working at the front line and of those who manage and lead organisations that deliver care. It is intended to help to shape the debate about how quality can be assured in future and inform how organisations at every level of the system including government, professional and other regulators, local providers and individual professionals will respond to the challenges that the events at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust have highlighted.

Click here to view this paper