
Local public health intelligence: factsheets

By Department of Health (2012)

A factsheet detailing local governement requirements for public health intelligence capacity and services and outlining steps that need to be taken to secure such capacity and services  incliuding addressing IT and information governance architecture issues.

Click here to view these factsheets

Community General Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care

Guide to new health and care system

By Department of Health (2012)

This page provides a brief introduction to the statutory bodies making up the new health and care system, explaining how they will work together in the interests of patients and communities.

Click here to view this page

Library Local Government

Stronger together: a UNISON guide to influencing the new NHS

By UNISON (2012)

This guide offers help and advice on working within the new NHS structure to influence key decisions about cuts or privatisation. It shows where there are opportunities for UNISON members and members of the public to get involved in foundation trusts at a number of different levels, how some of the work of clinical commissioning groups might be influenced, and how the role of local authorities in the NHS can be shaped, both by citizens and by councillors.

Click here to view this guide

Library Well-Being

Measuring national wellbeing

By Houses of Parliament  (September 2012)

This briefing summarises the latest international research on measuring national wellbeing at the individual, social group and national levels; its components and causes; and the policy implications of such research.

Click here to view this briefing


BCG vaccination in England since 2005: a survey of policy and practice

Pilger, D. et al. BMJ Open, 2012; 2: e001303

The aim of this study was to assess the current BCG vaccination policies and delivery pathways for immunisation in primary care trusts (PCTs) in England since the 2005 change in recommendations.

Click here to view the full-text of this article

CCGs Commissioning Library

PCT CCG spend and outcome factsheets and tool

By Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Observatory (2012)

This tool helps commissioners to link health outcomes and expenditure. Commissioners can use the tool and the factsheets to gain an overview of outcome and expenditure across all programmes. This tool has been updated to include CCGs.

Click here to view this tool

Library Local Government Third Sector

Catalyst councils: a new future for local public service delivery

By Localis (2012)

This report found that more than a third of council leaders and chief executives think that there are no local services that could not delivered by a 3rd party – whether a private or voluntary sector provider. It looks at alternative models of local public service delivery and highlights current examples which are being developed and implemented.

Click here to view this report

Library Safeguarding

Arrangements to secure children's and adult safeduarding in the future NHS

By NHS Commissioning Board (September 2012)

This interim advice provides guidance to CCGs on arrangements to secure children’s and adult safeguarding.

Click here to view this interim advice

Library Local Government Social Care

Supporting the North West on personal budgets: a report from In Control

By In Control (2012)

As part of a project looking at the implementation of personal budgets in the north west of England, three key areas which require further development were highlighted: minimum process; managed personal budgets; and workforce. This paper summarises the challenges faced in these areas, highlights good practice taking place and makes recommendations for improvement for individual councils and for the region as a whole.

Click here to view this report

Library Secondary Care

Hospitals on the edge? The time for action

By The Royal College of Physicians (September 2012)

This report argues that demand on clinical services is increasing to the point where acute care cannot keep pace in its current form. It highlights that there are a third fewer general and acute beds now than there were 25 years ago, yet the last decade alone has seen a 37% increase in emergency admissions. It makes recommendations for a move towards more patient-centred care and a reorganisation and redesign of services.

Click here to view this report