Good Practice Library Secondary Care Value

Can sustainable hospitals help bend the health care cost curve?

By The Commonwealth Fund (2012)

 As policymakers seek to rein in the nation’s escalating health care costs, one area deserving attention is the health system’s costly environmental footprint. This study examines data from selected hospitals that have implemented programs to reduce energy use and waste and achieve operating room supply efficiencies. After standardizing metrics across the hospitals studied and generalizing results to hospitals nationwide, the analysis finds that savings achievable through these interventions could exceed $5.4 billion over five years and $15 billion over 10 years. Given the return on investment, the authors recommend that all hospitals adopt such programs and, in cases where capital investments could be financially burdensome, that public funds be used to provide loans or grants, particularly to safety-net hospitals.

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Department of Health: the management of adult diabetes services in the NHS

By House of Commons (2012)

This report is based on evidence from expert witnesses and the Department of Health about the management of adult diabetes services in the NHS. It identifies a variation in service provision and quality of care in adult diabetes across the country and highlights the need for improvement in the quality of diabetes care.

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Integrated Care Library Local Government

Government and the voluntary sector: investigating funding and engagement

By Compact Voice (October 2012)

This report details the responses of Freedom of Information requests from 14 government departments. The requests aimed to determine the way government is supporting the voluntary sector by looking at levels and changes to funding, and also engagement through consultation and impact assessment. However, the responses suggest that there are no systems in place to enable government departments to collect and compare this information.

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CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library

Integrated ambulance commissioning in the new NHS

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This briefing explains how ambulance commissioning currently works for clinical commissioners who may be new to this area. It is designed to support the smooth and efficient transition of ambulance commissioning responsibilities from PCTs to CCGs.

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Library Payment by Results

Payment by results: how can payment systems help to deliver better care?

 By The King’s Fund (2012)

This report reviews the role and objectives of payment systems in the English NHS, focusing on Payment by Results (PbR), which accounts for around 30 per cent of the total English NHS budget. It also considers the experiences of other countries using similar payment systems. It explores whether such systems are still fit for purpose, given changing policies and priorities, such as the need for disease prevention, the prevalence of long-term conditions, the changing economic environment. It argues that more flexibility should be encouraged in payment systems to accommodate change and offer the right incentives for cost-effective, high-quality care, and considers the policy implications of this.

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A stronger collective voice for people with dementia

By The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (October 2012)

A growing number of people with dementia in the UK are becoming actively involved in groups to try to influence services and policies affecting people with dementia. The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) was a one-year investigation aiming to highlight groups and projects involving people with dementia. This report offers specific ways forward for organisations wishing to engage with people with dementia.

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Commissioning Good Practice Library

Diabetes transition: assessment of current best practice and development of future work programme to improve transition processes for young people

By NHS Diabetes (2012)

NHS Diabetes has published the above report, which summarises the work by a number of small groups looking at transition in diabetes care and includes examples of good practice as well as principles for future consideration.

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Commissioning Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Third Sector

Open public services: experiences from the voluntary sector

By The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (2012)

This report published by NCVO and 14 partner organisations, highlights examples of innovation in practice where the voluntary sector has worked in new ways with statutory authorities to develop specialist services. It argues that there needs to be greater openness and flexibility in commissioning services to capitalise on the contribution from charities. It also highlights new opportunities emerging from social investment and open data which could ease contract risks and make services more accountable to their users if adopted. It is aimed at those involved in improving services: government; local authorities; voluntary organisations; and social investors.

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Health Promotion Library

Shared decision making resource centre

By The Health Foundation (2012)

The Centre is aimed at healthcare professionals and managers and pulls together practical tools, best practice strategies, personal accounts and evidence in one place. The information it contains is open to everyone to explore and adapt, and it’s completely free to use.

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Healthwatch England launched

DH has announced the launch of Healthwatch England, the new national, statutory consumer champion for health and social care in England. A key milestone in achieving the government’s vision set out in the White Paper ‘Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS’, Healthwatch England exists to ensure the public’s voice is heard at a national level.

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