Library Patient Safety

Overarching goals: a strategy for improving healthcare quality and safety?

Nanji, KC. et al. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2013; 22: 187-193

The management literature reveals that many successful organisations have strategic plans that include a bold ‘stretch-goal’ to stimulate progress over a ten-to-thirty-year period. A stretch goal is clear, compelling and easily understood. It serves as a unifying focal point for organisational efforts. The ambitiousness of such goals has been emphasised with the phrase Big Hairy Audacious Goal (‘BHAG’). President Kennedy’s proclamation in 1961 that ‘this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth’ provides a famous example. This goal energised the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and it captured the attention of the American public and resulted in one of the largest accomplishments of any organisation. The goal set by Sony, a small, cash-strapped electronics company in the 1950s, to change the poor image of Japanese products around the world represents a classic BHAG. Few examples of quality goals that conform to the BHAG definition exist in the healthcare literature. However, the concept may provide a useful framework for organisations seeking to transform the quality of care they deliver. This review examines the merits and cautions of setting overarching quality goals to catalyse quality improvement efforts, and assists healthcare organisations with determining whether to adopt these goals.

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Good Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Well-Being

District action on public health: how district councils contribute towards the new health and wellbeing agenda in local government

By District Councils’ Network (2013)

This report explores the district contribution to the new public health system in England. It demonstrates the sector’s impact across the wider determinants of health improvement and health protection, and provides essential information for public health stakeholders including best practice case studies of service delivery and public health collaboration in two-tier areas.

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Public Health England's organisational structure

By Public Health England (2013)

PHE has finalised its organisational structure in advance of taking on its full range of responsibilities on the 1st April 2013.  Appointments to the PHE national executive have also now been completed.

Click here to view this structure

Francis Inquiry Library Patient Safety Patient Satisfaction

Making it better? Assuring high-quality care in the NHS

By NHS Confederation (February 2013)

This paper aims to start a debate, leading to concrete proposals on how to tackle issues around standards of patient care as raised in the Francis report. It seeks to find ways of reinforcing both organisational and individual accountability for delivering and improving the quality of NHS patient care.

Click here to view this briefing paper

Francis Inquiry Library Patient Safety

The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust: public inquiry

By Robert Francis QC (February 2013)

The final report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry was published on Wednesday 6 February 2013.

Click here to view this full report and related documents


Francis Inquiry Guidance Library Patient Safety

Guiding principles for sharing information on healthcare workers

By NHS Employers (January 2013)

Guidance for employers in relation to the sharing of relevant information about the conduct or performance of a healthcare worker where there is an identified risk to public and/or patient safety.
Click here to view this guidance

Setting priorities in health

By The Nuffield Trust (2011)

This report forms part of the Nuffield Trust’s programme of work on health system efficiency, for we feel strongly that with the NHS facing the most significant financial challenge in its history, a robust evidence base is needed to help inform the difficult decisions that will need to be made by clinicians, managers and policy-makers.

Click here to view this report

Library Minority Groups Social Care

The barriers to choice review: how are people using choice in public services?

By The Cabinet Office (January 2013)

This review examines whether people use the choices that they have been offered in public services and in particular, how much these choices are used and valued by the disadvantaged. As part of this review, take up of choice in health and social care was investigated.

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CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library Local Government Third Sector

Influencing local commissioning for health and care: guidance for the voluntary and community sector

By Regional Voices (January 2013)

This guidance is intended to support the voluntary and community sector in understanding and influencing health and wellbeing boards. It gives an overview of health and wellbeing boards, joint strategic needs assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategies and the role of the voluntary sector.

Click here to view this guidance

Guidance Library

Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices

By General Medical Council (January 2013)

This guidance strengthens and broadens the current advice on prescribing medicines to include medical devices and gives key updates on using unlicensed medicines.

Click here to view this guidance