Community Integrated Care Library Local Government

Healthy lives, healthy people: a public health workforce strategy

By Department of Health (2013)

This strategy sets out actions for various partners in the new public health system to support and develop the public health workforce. It will help embed public health capacity within the wider workforce to support delivery of the public health outcomes framework.

Click here to view this strategy

Community Library Local Government Social Care Teenage Pregnancy Young People

Tackling teenage pregnancy: local government's public health role

By Local Government Association (April 2013)

This briefing for councillors and officers explains the challenges facing councils and the opportunities they have to tackle teenage pregnancy and reduce health inequalities in local communities.

Click here to view this briefing

Community Library Social Care

The state of caring 2013

By Carers UK (2013)

This report details the results of a survey of over 3,000 carers across the UK and shows that many are struggling alone without advice or support and are seeing caring taking a toll on their health, family finances and careers as a result. It also highlights five challenges to improve carers’ lives.

Click here to view this report


Are we there yet? Models of medical leadership and their effectiveness: an exploratory study

By National Institute for Health Research (2013)

The principal aims of this research are to describe the engagement of doctors in management and leadership roles in the English NHS, to analyse the interaction and functioning of the triumvirate and the effectiveness of team working in clinical directorates and related structures, and to explore the relationship between effectiveness and performance.

Click here to view the executive summary

Click here to view the full report

Good Practice Library Patient Satisfaction Secondary Care Well-Being

Compassion in practice: nursing, midwifery and care staff our vision and strategy

By Department of Health (2013)

This strategy sets out our shared purpose as nurses, midwives and care
staff to deliver high quality, compassionate care, and to achieve
excellent health and wellbeing outcomes. It builds on the proposals set
out in the engagement strategy.

Click here to view this document

CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library

Guidance for commissioners on ensuring the continuity of health care services

By Monitor (March 2013)

Commissioner requested services are services which local commissioners believe should continue to be provided locally if any individual provider is at risk of failing financially. This framework sets out an end-to-end process that guides commissioners from initiating the work of designating services as commissioner requested services through to deciding which services should be defined as location specific services in the event that a provider fails financially. In addition to this guidance, an interactive toolkit has also been developed to guide commissioners through the framework and to provide a mechanism to record the evidence used and the thinking underlying a decision to designate or not.

Click here to view this guidance

CCGs Commissioning Library

Directory of diagnostic services for commissioning organisations

By NHS Improvement (March 2013)

This guide brings together information about all of the diagnostic modalities to inform decisions about commissioning diagnostic services. The resources have been developed by national clinical directors for endoscopy, imaging, pathology and physiological diagnostics in conjunction with NHS Improvement and the services that they have worked with.

Click here to view this directory

Community Library

Transforming local care: community healthcare rises to the challenge

By NHS Confederation (2013)

This briefing shows how the community health sector is driving the transformation of local care systems, and how innovative community healthcare providers are enabling people to stay healthy and independent and avoid crises that lead to unplanned hospital admissions. It also details the challenges that need to be overcome to build upon this work and drive forward the necessary shift of care into the community.

Click here to view this briefing

General Practice Library Patient Satisfaction

Patient online: the road map

By Royal College of General Practitioners (2013)

This guidance aims to support GP practices in providing online access for patients. It looks at the principles of online access to records by patients; steps to offering access; and the principles around training, education and support for practices. Issues around information governance, including third party data and GP workload, are taken into account.

Click here to read this guidance

Francis Inquiry Library

Francis interview: what doctors must learn from my report

Coombes, R.  BMJ 2013; 346: f878

Robert Francis is a lawyer and therefore careful with his words and not prone to soundbites. It took him four volumes and 2000 pages to sum up his findings on Wednesday. His report unpicked an NHS culture that tolerated such appalling low standards of care at Stafford Hospital that 400-1200 patients died of neglect, misdiagnosis, and, to quote prime minister David Cameron, “horrific abuse.”

Click here to view this article with your NHS Athens username