Minority Groups Oral Health Physical Activity

Oral health and access to dental services for people from black and minority ethnic groups

By Race Equality Foundation (2013)

This briefing considers differences in dental diseases and in the utilisation of dental services between black and minority ethnic groups and the general population in the UK. It highlights ways to improve their oral health and dental service experiences and makes recommendations for future research.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Oral Health Physical Activity

Holidays, play and leisure: information for families

By Family Fund (2013)

Many disabled children and young people say that leisure and play – after school, in the holidays and at weekends – is the most important missing element in their lives. This guide provides information about play and leisure options and where to find more information. It also has information about arranging holidays for disabled children and details of organisations which provide grants for these types of activities.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Physical activity promotion in socially disadvantaged groups: principles for action

By WHO (July 2013)

Scientific evidence shows that physical inactivity is a leading risk factor for ill health, and that these groups tend to have low levels of activity. This policy summary and full report on promoting physical activity in socially disadvantaged groups aims to provide principles for targeted intervention.

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Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity

Walking and cycling

By NICE (January 2013)

This briefing summarises NICE’s recommendations for local authorities and partner organisations on walking and cycling. It is relevant to many areas of local authority work, including the development of local plans, core strategies and joint health and wellbeing strategies, including several areas highlighted in the Public Health Outcomes Framework.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity

Behaviour change

By NICE (January 2013)

This briefing summarises NICE’s recommendations for local authorities and partner organisations on the general principles that should be used when considering the commissioning, planning, content and evaluation of initiatives to support behaviour change at individual, community and population levels. Behaviour change interventions are coordinated sets of activities that seek to change specific health-related behaviours.

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Community Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity

Walking and cycling: local measures to promote walking and cycling as forms of travel or recreation

By NICE (2012)

This public health guidance recommends coordinated action to identify and address the barriers that may be discouraging people from walking and cycling more often or at all. It is is aimed at schools, workplaces, local authorities and the NHS to encourage them to promote walking and cycling.

Click here to view this guidance

Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity

Parents' views on child physical activity and their implications for physical activity parenting interventions: a qualitative study

Bentley, GF. et al. BMC Pediatrics, 2012; 12: 180

Establishing healthy physical activity (PA) behaviours in early childhood is important for future PA behaviours. Parents play a central role in young children’s PA. However, there is currently little research on parenting interventions to increase child PA. This study was formative work to inform the content of a pilot randomised-controlled trial.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Young People

Move it: increasing young people's participation in sport

By The Young Foundation (2012)

This report looks at participation in sport and physical activity among young people in England. It sets out the reasons why participation rates are low and provides a four-point plan to get more people active.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Young People

Interventions to promote physical activity in young people conducted in the hours immediately after school: a systemmatic review

By Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (2012)

The authors’ objectives were to review the effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity conducted in the hours immediately after school among young people. They concluded that limitations in study methods and problems with intervention implementation may explain the lack of effectiveness observed for interventions to promote physical activity among young people in the after-school setting. They stated that further research was needed. Their conclusions appear reliable and recommendations for further research appropriate.

Click here to view this structured abstract

Health Promotion Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity

Standard evaluation framework for physical activity interventions

By National Obesity Observatory ( September 2012)

These SEFs aim to describe and explain the information that should be collected in any evaluation of an intervention that aims to increase participation in physical activity. It is aimed at interventions that work at individual or group level, not at population level.

Click here to view this framework