Fuel Poverty Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings seasonal mortality) Statistics

Annual fuel poverty statistics report, 2015

by Department of Energy & Climate Change (2015)

This publication provides a comprehensive view of the latest statistical trends and analysis of fuel poverty in England, including the number of households living in fuel poverty, analysis of the composition of the fuel poor group in 2013, projections of the number of households in fuel poverty in 2014 and 2015 and estimates of sub-regional fuel poverty.

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Alcohol Healthy Settings

Local alcohol profiles for England: latest update

By Public Health England (2015)

Alcohol use has health and social consequences borne by individuals, their families, and the wider community. The aim of these profiles is to provide information for local government, health organisations, commissioners and other agencies to monitor the impact of alcohol on local communities, and to monitor the services and initiatives that have been put in place to prevent and reduce the harmful impact of alcohol. Reducing harmful drinking is one of seven priority areas that Public Health England is focusing efforts on securing improvement. The indicators contained within the web-tool were selected following consultation with stakeholders and a review of the availability of routine data. The Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE) are part of a series of products by Public Health England that provide local data alongside national comparisons to support local health improvement. Click here to view the profiles
Diabetes Type 2 Healthy Settings Long-Term Conditions Nutrition Obesity

Sugar and health

By House of Commons Library (2015)

Sugars can be added to food and drinks or occur naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk. A high sugar diet increases the risk of tooth decay and weight gain, and high consumption of sugar sweetened drinks is associated with type 2 diabetes. This paper describes trends in sugar consumption in the UK, the public health implications and outlines policy options

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Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Patient Experience Planning

Examining new options and opportunities for providers of NHS care: The Dalton Review

By The Dalton Review (2014)

Sir David Dalton has conducted a review for the government on new options for providers of NHS care. The Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive considered issues such as whether local or non-geographical networks of hospitals and services could be brought together under a single leadership team. The review also explores how high-performing NHS organisations might lend their support to providers in difficulty.

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Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Patient Experience Planning

Whitehall monitor: deep impact? how government departments measured their impact, 2010-15

By Institute for Government (2015)

This report looks at one element of the Coalition’s performance measurement regime: impact indicators. These, part of each department’s business plans (which set out the actions each department would take), were designed ‘to help the public to judge whether our policies and reforms are having the effect they want’. This publication pulls together all the available data on the indicators and how they’ve moved over the parliament.

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Care of the Elderly Guidance Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Long-Term Conditions Planning

Integrated care licence condition: guidance for providers of NHS-funded services

By Monitor (2015)

This guidance is for licensed providers of NHS-funded services in England and NHS trusts and it explains what is expected of NHS providers in relation to the integrated care licence condition and where Monitor may take action.

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Health Inequality Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Health on the high street

By The Royal Society for Public Health (2015)

A league table of the “unhealthiest High Streets” has named Preston as the UK’s worst offender.

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Commissioning Good Practice Healthy Settings Licensing Patient Safety Planning

The NHS under the coalition government: part one: NHS reforms

By The King’s Fund (2014)

The 2010–15 parliament has been a parliament of two halves for the NHS. The first half was dominated by debate on the Health and Social Care Bill (which was largely designed to devolve decision-making, put GPs in control of commissioning, and extend competition and choice). The second half was taken up with limiting the damage caused by the Bill, with less emphasis on competition and greater efforts to strengthen the regulation and quality of care and prioritise patient safety.

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Healthy Settings Information Library Long-Term Conditions Social Care Statistics Technology

Health and social care information sources: a guide for journalists

By Health & Social Care Information Centre (2015)

Health and social care information sources – a guide for journalists, England, 2015, is a resource for journalists, press teams and others with an interest in health and social care information. It is intended to signpost sources of some of the main areas of health and social care information in England.

The HSCIC produces over 220 national statistical publications per year, covering topics in health, technology and social care. These anonymised, aggregated figures provide a wealth of data and insight to the NHS and wider health and social care sectors, helping to plan services, identify trends and research into particular illnesses and conditions.

Click here to view this guide

Finance Healthy Settings Local Government

The coalition's record on health: policy, spending and outcomes 2010-2015

By The London School of Economics et al. (2015)

This report is part of a larger piece of research funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Nuffield Foundation and carried out by LSE, University of York and University of Manchester. This working paper presents the results of an audit of the Coalition government’s record on health policy during the period 2010-15. The accompanying full overview report presents an assessment of the Coalition’s performance on social policy in general during 2010-15.

Click here to view the working paper

Click here to view the overview report