Diabetes Health Promotion Healthy Settings Targets

National diabetes audit 2011-2012: report 1: care processes and treatment targets

By Healthcare quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) (2013)

This report shows wide variation in achieving the 140/80 blood pressure target between CCGs and local health boards (LHBs). Some CCGs and LHBs met this target in 53 per cent of cases but in others it was met in less than 44 per cent of cases. The figures show over 1.2 million patients had not met the blood pressure target of less than 140/80 for the 2.3 million patients with diabetes in England and Wales whose blood pressure was recorded.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity Well-Being

Physical guidelines for children (under 5)

By NHS Choices (2013)

Guidelines on the amount of physical activity recommended for children under 5 years old, including related factsheets.

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Community Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Planning Social Care

Leading improvement across the continuum: skills, tools and teams for success

By Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence (October 2013)

This guide provides two frameworks for conceptualising and planning improvement activities. The improvement continuum describes four categories of improvement activities: topic or microsystem, care co-ordination, defined population and community health. For each of these categories, the framework describes the skills, tools and teams that lead to successful improvement efforts. The guide also includes a leadership action model and a framework for how to use the improvement continuum.

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Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Social Care

Principles for health and social care reform

By Solace (September 2013)

This report outlines the views of SOLACE members on the shape that health and social care reform should take going forward, outlining ten key principles which should underpin future reform. It places an emphasis on a move towards integrated care; shared commissioning; and shared management.

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Asthma CVD Healthy Settings Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Patient Experience Respiratory Disease

Compare your care: the asthma reports

By Asthma UK (2013)

Asthma UK wanted to know whether the care that people were receiving for their asthma matched up to the standards they should expect so they launched the Compare Your Care quiz. This report presents the findings and shows that there are some aspects of asthma care which many people are receiving. However, it finds that not everyone is receiving care that fully meets standards and some simple but effective aspects of care that could help prevent asthma attacks are not consistently being provided. The reports also include recommendations to help the NHS improve asthma care across the UK.

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Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Well-Being

12 minutes: the importance of physical activity, sports and exercise, in order to improve health, personal finances and the pressure on the NHS

By Nuffield Health (2013)

This report reveals that early indicators of poor mental health are on the increase. It also finds that GPs are 46 times more likely to prescribe medication than explore medically proven alternative options, like exercise. This report calls for all GPs in the UK to take a ‘diagnose, consider exercise, refer, treat’ approach to physical activity when patients present with early signs of mental ill health.

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Healthy Settings Information Library Social Media

Knowledge strategy: harnessing the power of information to improve the public's health

By Public Health England (October 2013)

This consultation looks at PHE’s strategic approach to knowledge and information. This strategy describes the priorities PHE proposes to support, articulates a vision and starts to outline the ways in which that vision could be realised. The consultation closes on 8th November 2013.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health seasonal mortality) Secondary Care Social Care Well-Being

Is the quality of care in England getting better?

By the Nuffield Trust (October 2013)

This report, in partnership with the Health Foundation, provides an overview of initial research into the quality of health and social care services in England. The assessment draws on analysis of nearly 150 quality indicators spanning primary care and community services, hospital care, mental health services and social care. These have been evaluated in relation to six domains of care quality: access; safety; effectiveness; person-centred care and experience; capacity; and equity. A longer version of this report will be published later this autumn.

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Francis Inquiry Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings seasonal mortality)

After Francis: making a difference: Third Report of Session 2013–14

By House of Commons Health Committee

In this report the Committee gives its view on the principal recommendations of the report of the public inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust undertaken by Robert Francis QC.

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Good Practice Health Inequality Health Promotion Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Minority Groups Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality)

Implementing a health 2020 vision: governance for health in the 21st century

By WHO (2013)

This review of inequities in health across the 53 Member States of the Region was commissioned to support the development of the new European policy framework for health and well-being, Health 2020. The report builds on the global evidence and recommends policies to reduce health inequities and the health divide across all countries, including those with low incomes.

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