Community Health Promotion Public Mental Health

Peer support in mental health and learning disability

By Mental Health Foundation (August 2012)

This briefing paper provides an overview of peer support in mental health (including dementia) and learning disabilities, based on some of the recent literature. It looks at how peer support can help people to recover, or get more control over their condition, and to live fulfilling lives in their communities.

Click here to view this briefing

CCGs Commissioning Community General Practice Library

National screening and immunisation programme

By Department of Health (August 2012)

This letter sets out the agreement between the Department of Health, Public Health England and the NHS Commissioning Board on their roles and respective accountabilities in relation to national screening and immunisation programmes after April 2013. It gives details on the future operations of the programmes and covers models of local leadership and coordination functions for screening and immunisation services.

Click here to view this letter

Community Library Patient Satisfaction Third Sector

Do changes to patient-provider relationships improve quality and save money?

By The Health Foundation (2012)

A review of evidence about value improvements made by changing communication, collaboration and support for self-care.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Community CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease Stroke

Stroke rehabilitation in the community: commissioning for improvement

By NHS Improvement (2012)

An information resource for providers and commissioners of stroke rehabilitation and early supported discharge services in the community.

Click here to view this resource

Commissioning Community Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Well-Being

Costing the Walking for Health programme

By The Rand Corporation (2012)

Walking for Health is a physical activity intervention with the primary purpose of making a positive difference to people’s physical health. This report presents research into the economic costs of delivering the Walking for Health programme. These include financial (or accounting) costs and opportunity costs, which are the values of the foregone costs that could have been dedicated some other objective, based on a small sample of schemes representative of the variety across the programme as a whole.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Children Commissioning Community Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Public Mental Health Third Sector

Maternal mental health pathway

By Department of Health (2012)

This guidance provides a structured approach on common issues associated with maternal mental health and wellbeing, from pregnancy through the early months after the birth. It focuses on the role of the health visitor but also recognises the contributions of partners in midwifery, mental health, general practice and the third sector. It aims to strengthen the consistent provision support and care through enhanced partnership working.

Click here to view this guidance

Community Public Mental Health Secondary Care

Professional standards for hospital pharmacy services: optimising patient outcomes from medicine

By The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2012)

These standards aim to underpin patient experience and the safe, effective management of medicines within and across organisations. They aim to enable patients to experience a consistent quality of service within and across healthcare providers, that helps protect them from incidents of avoidable harm and enables them to get the best outcomes from their medicines.

Click here to view these standards

Community Library Third Sector Well-Being

Measuring well-being: a guide for practitioners

By New Economics Foundation (2012)

This guidebook is designed primarily for voluntary organisations and community groups delivering projects and services and aims to improve the design and delivery of services through the use of wellbeing outcome measures.

Click here to view this guidebook

Community CVD Health Promotion Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Measurement properties of a novel survey to assess stages of organizational readiness for evidence-based interventions in community chronic disease prevention settings

By Stamatakis, K.A. et al. Implementation Science, 2012; 7: 65

There is a great deal of variation in the existing capacity of primary prevention programs and policies addressing chronic disease to deliver evidence-based interventions (EBIs). In order to develop and evaluate implementation strategies that are tailored to the appropriate level of capacity, there is a need for an easy-to-administer tool to stage organizational readiness for EBIs.

The lack of adequate measurement tools hinders progress in dissemination and
implementation research. These preliminary results help fill this gap by describing the reliability and measurement properties of a theory-based tool; the short, user-friendly instrument may be useful to researchers and practitioners seeking to assess organizational readiness for EBIs across a variety of chronic disease prevention programs and settings.

Click here to view the full-text article

Community Library

The impact of the economic downturn and policy changes on health inequalities in London

By UCL Institute of Health Equity

The UCL Institute of Health Equity was commissioned by the London Health Inequalities Network to look at the impact of the economic downturn and the government’s welfare reforms on health inequalities in London to 2016, with a particular focus on the employment, income and housing impacts of the changes. A report containing a literature review of the potential impacts of the changes along with a set of recommendations of what local authorities and other actors can do to mitigate any negative impacts was published on 19 June 2012. A set of indicators for local authorities to use to measure the impacts of the changes in their area is currently in development and will undergo local testing before being published early in 2013.

Click here to view this report