Alcohol Children Illegal Drugs Substance Misuse Substance Use Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Helping parents to recover from substance misuse

By Community Care Online (2012)

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to risk assessing parents who misuse drugs and alcohol. Each case is different, depending on the circumstances. Community Care asked three experts what children’s social workers should look out for.

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Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Local variations in youth drinking cultures

By The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (August 2012)

This study explored the lives of young people in two regions of England where alcohol-related harm rates differ and found that: the north has a higher degree of reported indicators of alcohol-related harms than the south-east and the south-west, but despite this young people’s drinking behaviour in these areas followed similar patterns; young people rarely drank on their own; young people actively sought out clusters of youth-orientated bars, and sometimes these clusters encouraged young people to drink more than they intended; and planning authorities had often been unable to resist commercial pressures to allow clubs and bars to fill units that would otherwise be vacant, despite a wish to limit the number of licensed premises.

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Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

Local alcohol profiles for England

By Public Health Observatories (2012)

The North West Public Health Observatory is pleased to announce publication of the Local Alcohol Profiles for England 2012 (LAPE) on behalf of the Public Health Observatories in England. The profiles contain 25 alcohol-related indicators for every local Authority (LA) and 22 for every PCT; the indicators measure the impact of alcohol on local communities, including local area data on alcohol-related hospital admissions and alcohol-related crime.

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Alcohol Commissioning Integrated Care Tobacco & Drugs

The role of residential rehab in an integrated treatment system

By The National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (August 2012)

Following the findings of an audit of data returns, which identified troubling discrepancies in performance between individual residential rehabs in England, the NTA is to step up its engagement with the residential rehab sector in order to challenge commissioners who inappropriately restrict access and help under-performing providers.

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Alcohol Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

From access to recovery: analysing six years of drug treatment data

By The National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (August 2012)

A unique analysis of drug treatment data shows more people are overcoming dependency and services are getting better at getting people into recovery.

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Alcohol Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Substance Use

Clustering of unhealthy behaviours overtime: implications for policy and practice

By The King’ s Fund (August 2012)

People’s lifestyles – whether they smoke, how much they drink, what they eat, whether they take regular exercise – affect their health and mortality. It is well known that each of these lifestyle risk factors is unequally distributed in the population. Less is known about how these behaviours co-occur or cluster in the population and about how these patterns of multiple lifestyle risk have been evolving over time. This paper considers this in the context of the English population and sets out the implications for public health policy and practice that flow from the findings. It reviews the current evidence on multiple lifestyle risks and analyses data from the Health Survey for England on the distribution of these risks in the adult population and how this is changing over time.

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Alcohol Substance Use Tobacco & Drugs Young People

A positive choice: young people who drink little or no alcohol

By The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (August 2012)

This study examined the lives of young people who drink little or no alcohol, and found that:

  • getting drunk is not an automatic rite of passage for young people;
  • young people who drink little or no alcohol tend to prefer activities where drinking alcohol rarely plays a role;
  • the immediate effects of drinking alcohol (e.g. hangovers) concern young people more than longer-term health effects; and
  • young people believe alcohol education is based on the assumption that young people drink. They want ‘not drinking’ to be presented as a legitimate option.

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Alcohol Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Statistics on smoking – England 2012

By The Information Centre for Health and Social Care (August 2012)

This statistical report presents a range of information on smoking which is drawn together from a variety of sources. The report aims to present a broad picture of health issues relating to smoking in England and covers topics such as smoking prevalence, habits, behaviours and attitudes among adults and school children, smoking-related ill health and mortality and smoking-related costs.

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Alcohol General Practice Public Mental Health Tobacco & Drugs Well-Being

The Austerity Britain Report: the impact of the recession on the UKs health, according to GPs

By Insight Research Group (August 2012)

This report is the result of a GP opinion survey which aimed to better understand the impact that the economic downturn of the last four years has had on the nation’s health, and how this may have impacted on GPs’ practices. It questioned GPs broadly at the impact of the recession on family planning, alcohol abuse, wellbeing, mental health and the impact on GPs themselves.

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Alcohol Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Equality analysis: payment by results pilot programme for drug and alcohol recovery

By Department of Health (August 2012)

This equality analysis outlines the evidence considered, potential groups identified and risks taken into account when planning this pilot programme.

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