CCGs Commissioning Good Practice Guidance Library Value

Standards for members of NHS boards and clinical commissioning group governing bodies in England

By Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence (November 2012)

These standards, which apply to NHS England, cover three domains: personal behaviour, technical competence, and business practices, and put compassion and respect at the heart of NHS leadership.They were developed through extensive engagement with NHS board members, experts in leadership and management, and patients and the public. We also spoke to many organisations with an interest in the work, such as NHS Employers, the Institute for Healthcare Management, and the King’s Fund.

Click here t0 view these standards

Children Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being Young People

Social and emotional wellbeing for children and young people

By NICE (2012)

This guidance aims to help to strengthen home visiting and early education services, and recommends that health professionals are alert to any factors that may pose a risk to a child’s social and emotional wellbeing. It recommends that each health and wellbeing board should ensure that the social and emotional wellbeing of vulnerable children features in its health and wellbeing strategy, as one of the most effective ways of addressing health inequalities.

Click here to view the pathway

Guidance Library

Handover and close down guidance for transition to the new health and care system

By Department of Health (2012)

These guidance documents are aimed at PCT and SHA transition directors, lead and governance leads. They cover the transfer of intellectual property currently held by PCTs and SHAs and also the preparation of transfer schemes under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

Click here to view Transfer of intellectual property rights and related assets

Click here to view Transfer documentation: identifying legal title in assets and liabilities and completing transfer documentation

CCGs Commissioning Guidance Health Promotion Integrated Care Public Mental Health Social Care Well-Being

Incorporating mental health and employment in your joint strategic needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy

By London Mental Health & Employment Partnerships (September 2012)

This guidance highlights the importance of health and employment to CCGs, HWBs, directors of adult social service and other partners responsible for promoting public health and delivering personal responses to people at risk of long-term illness and social exclusion. It aims to help local commissioners and planners incorporate mental and employment considerations into their joint needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy.

Click here to view this guidance

CCGs Commissioning Guidance Library

Sessional GPs in commissioning

By The Royal College of General Practitioners  (October 2012)

This report surveyed sessional GPs and those involved in emerging CCGs in order to find how engaged sessional GPs are with commissioning and to find examples of best practice, models of inclusion, engagement and leadership including the necessary conditions for their success, along with any barriers preventing these.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning General Practice Guidance Library

Commissioning guides – supporting clinical service redesign

By NICE (2012)

NICE commissioning guides are topic-specific, web-based resources.

Each commissioning guide comprises a series of text-based web pages that signpost and provide topic-specific information on key clinical and service-related issues to consider during the commissioning process. Each guide contains a commissioning and benchmarking tool, which is a resource that can be used to estimate and inform the level of service needed locally as well as the cost of local commissioning decisions.

Click here to view this webpage

Asthma CCGs Commissioning CVD Guidance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Designing and commissioning services for adults with asthma

By Primary Care Commissioning (2012)

This guide sets out the fifteen points that good asthma services need to include, with detailed advice for commissioners and service developers together with examples of good practice.

Click here to view this guidance

Guidance Health Promotion Library Maternal

Flu immunisation for pregnant women

By NHS Eastern & Costal Kent (August 2012)

The South East region of the Health Protection Agency funded a short term project during February and March 2012 to investigate the attitudes of pregnant women and healthcare professionals with regard to influenza immunisations and to explore models of good practice. The project group was tasked with producing this resource pack for NHS organisations to use in both primary and secondary care settings to assist them to increase their influenza immunisation uptake rates in pregnant women.

Click here to view the downloadable documents

Guidance Public Mental Health

Preventing suicide in England: a cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives

By HM Government & Department of Health (2012)

This all-age suicide prevention strategy builds on the 2002 national suicide prevention strategy. It supports action by bringing together knowledge about groups at higher risk of suicide, applying evidence of effective interventions and highlighting resources available.  This will support local decision-making, while recognising the autonomy of local organisations to decide what works in their area.

Click here to view the guidance

Community COPD CVD General Practice Guidance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Guideline-based survey of outpatient COPD management by pulmonary specialists in Germany

Glaab T. et al. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2012; 7: 101-108

Little is known about the role of guidelines for the practical management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by office-based pulmonary specialists. The aim of this study was to assess their outpatient management in relation to current guideline recommendations for COPD.

Click here to view the full-text article