Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being

Health related behaviours and wellbeing in adolescence

by The International Centre for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health (2012)

This paper examined the relationship between health behaviours and young people’s well-being. Health-protective behaviours were associated with high well-being, and health-risk behaviours were associated with low well-being. Interventions to encourage healthy lifestyles among adolescents might not only benefit their future physical health but also their existing well-being. A gendered approach to targeting interventions was also recommended.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Young People

Move it: increasing young people's participation in sport

By The Young Foundation (2012)

This report looks at participation in sport and physical activity among young people in England. It sets out the reasons why participation rates are low and provides a four-point plan to get more people active.

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Cancer Health Promotion

Improving capacity, saving lives: endoscopy in the UK

By Bowel Cancer UK (2012)

This briefing shows that despite the Government’s aspiration to diagnose people earlier, groups or individuals who need to undergo regular endoscopic procedures because they are at higher risk of bowel cancer (for example, because of a genetic condition or an inflammatory bowel condition) are not getting the timely surveillance they require.

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Cancer Community Health Promotion

Early diagnosis of lung cancer: evaluation of a community-based social marketing intervention

Athey, VL. et al. Thorax, 2012; 67(5): 412-417

Poor UK lung cancer survival rates may, in part, be due to late
diagnosis. The objectives of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of a mixed-method community-based social marketing intervention on lung cancer diagnoses.

Click here to view this article. You will need an NHS Athens username to access this article. To obtain a username contact your local NHS health library.

Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Young People

Interventions to promote physical activity in young people conducted in the hours immediately after school: a systemmatic review

By Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (2012)

The authors’ objectives were to review the effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity conducted in the hours immediately after school among young people. They concluded that limitations in study methods and problems with intervention implementation may explain the lack of effectiveness observed for interventions to promote physical activity among young people in the after-school setting. They stated that further research was needed. Their conclusions appear reliable and recommendations for further research appropriate.

Click here to view this structured abstract

Guidance Health Promotion Library Maternal

Flu immunisation for pregnant women

By NHS Eastern & Costal Kent (August 2012)

The South East region of the Health Protection Agency funded a short term project during February and March 2012 to investigate the attitudes of pregnant women and healthcare professionals with regard to influenza immunisations and to explore models of good practice. The project group was tasked with producing this resource pack for NHS organisations to use in both primary and secondary care settings to assist them to increase their influenza immunisation uptake rates in pregnant women.

Click here to view the downloadable documents

Health Promotion Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity

Standard evaluation framework for physical activity interventions

By National Obesity Observatory ( September 2012)

These SEFs aim to describe and explain the information that should be collected in any evaluation of an intervention that aims to increase participation in physical activity. It is aimed at interventions that work at individual or group level, not at population level.

Click here to view this framework

Community Health Promotion Public Mental Health

Peer support in mental health and learning disability

By Mental Health Foundation (August 2012)

This briefing paper provides an overview of peer support in mental health (including dementia) and learning disabilities, based on some of the recent literature. It looks at how peer support can help people to recover, or get more control over their condition, and to live fulfilling lives in their communities.

Click here to view this briefing

Alcohol Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Substance Use

Clustering of unhealthy behaviours overtime: implications for policy and practice

By The King’ s Fund (August 2012)

People’s lifestyles – whether they smoke, how much they drink, what they eat, whether they take regular exercise – affect their health and mortality. It is well known that each of these lifestyle risk factors is unequally distributed in the population. Less is known about how these behaviours co-occur or cluster in the population and about how these patterns of multiple lifestyle risk have been evolving over time. This paper considers this in the context of the English population and sets out the implications for public health policy and practice that flow from the findings. It reviews the current evidence on multiple lifestyle risks and analyses data from the Health Survey for England on the distribution of these risks in the adult population and how this is changing over time.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings

Implementing NICE public health guidance in the workplace: staff health improvement project interim report

By The Royal College of Physicians (2012)

This project aims to facilitate faster implementation of NICE public health guidance for the workplace by NHS trusts. Telephone interviews were conducted with 22 acute and mental health trusts around the country that have made progress in implementing the NICE guidance for the workplace. The second phase of the project will involve meeting with 40 trusts that have made less progress, and offering action planning support to help further this implementation. The experience of the 22 trusts interviewed will be shared and examples of good practice will continue to be collected from the trusts to be visited. An updated report will be produced in November 2012.

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