Alcohol Health Promotion Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

NHS stop smoking services: England, April 2012 – June 2012

By The Information Centre (October 2012)

This report includes information on the number of people setting a quit date and the number who successfully quit at the 4 week follow-up. It also presents in depth analyses of the key measures of the service including pregnant women, breakdowns by ethnic group, socio-economic classification as well as by intervention type and setting and type of pharmacotherapy received and regional analyses at SHA and PCT levels.

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Health Promotion Library

Shared decision making resource centre

By The Health Foundation (2012)

The Centre is aimed at healthcare professionals and managers and pulls together practical tools, best practice strategies, personal accounts and evidence in one place. The information it contains is open to everyone to explore and adapt, and it’s completely free to use.

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Health Promotion Integrated Care Library

Building an integrated system of care: key factors for success

By The King’s Fund (2012)

The King’s Fund has assembled pages related to building an integrated system of care, including presentations from their recent conference on implementing integrated care, including international perspectives from Singapore and the US. You will also be able to hear from Martin McShane on the role of the NHS Commissioning Board and watch case studies from organisations that are putting the theory into practice.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Infant Feeding

Preventing disease and saving resources: the potential contribution of increasing breastfeeding rates in the UK

By Unicef (2012)

This report looks at how raising breastfeeding rates could save money through improving health outcomes. It finds that for five illnesses, moderate increases in breastfeeding would translate into cost savings for the NHS of £40 million and tens of thousands of fewer hospital admissions and GP consultations. It analyses three conditions: cognitive ability, childhood obesity, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and finds that modest improvements in breastfeeding rates could save millions of pounds.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Maternal

Guidance on data collection for the prenatal pertussis vaccination programme 2012/13

By Department of Health (2012)

This document provides high-level guidance on the collection of data to inform prenatal pertussis public health actions, how a PCT might collect and collate data on the prenatal pertussis vaccination programme, and instruction on how to submit vaccine coverage data via the ImmForm website.

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Asthma Children CVD Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease Self-Management

Community health workers as drivers of a successful community-based disease management drive

Peretz, PJ. et al. American Journal of Public Health, 2012; 102(8): 1443-1446

In 2005, local leaders in New York City developed the Washington Heights/Inwood Network for Asthma Program to address the burden of asthma in their community. Bilingual community health workers based in community organizations and the local hospital provided culturally appropriate education and support to families who needed help managing asthma. Families participating in the yearlong care coordination program
received comprehensive asthma education, home environmental assessments, trigger reduction strategies, and clinical and social referrals. Since 2006, 472 families have enrolled in the yearlong program. After 12 months, hospitalizations and emergency department visits decreased by more than 50%, and caregiver confidence in controlling the child’s asthma increased to nearly 100%. Key to the program’s success was the commitment and involvement of community partners from program inception to date.

Click here to view the full-text article

Health Promotion Library Maternal Young People

Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom: a behavioural ecological perspective

Dickins, TE. et al. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 2012; 6(3): 344-359

This article states that attempts to reduce high rates of teenage pregnancy and motherhood are unlikely to succeed if young women continued to face environmental risk and uncertainty. Environmental risk, including factors such as crime and vandalism, are a clear predictor of early pregnancy. Rather than investing in educational programmes, money would be better spent on the maintenance of at-risk neighbourhoods.

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CCGs Commissioning Guidance Health Promotion Integrated Care Public Mental Health Social Care Well-Being

Incorporating mental health and employment in your joint strategic needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy

By London Mental Health & Employment Partnerships (September 2012)

This guidance highlights the importance of health and employment to CCGs, HWBs, directors of adult social service and other partners responsible for promoting public health and delivering personal responses to people at risk of long-term illness and social exclusion. It aims to help local commissioners and planners incorporate mental and employment considerations into their joint needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy.

Click here to view this guidance

Health Promotion Healthy Settings Self-Management Well-Being

Preventative care and healthy aging: a global perspective

By the Economist Intelligence Unit (2012)

This report, sponsored by Pfizer, investigates the challenges and pressures that an ageing population puts on healthcare systems and economies worldwide, and how eight countries: Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, the UK and the US are promoting preventive care and healthy ageing.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Well-Being

Get with the programme? a look at health and wellbeing boards through the lens of telehealth and telecare

By the Housing Learning & Improvement Network (September 2012)

This publication assesses the progress of health and wellbeing boards in adopting telecare and telehealth. It also lays out opportunities that these innovations represent to local boards as they develop their role as strategic enablers and system leaders across health, care and wellbeing.

Click here to view this report