Diabetes Health Promotion Healthy Settings Targets

National diabetes audit 2011-2012: report 1: care processes and treatment targets

By Healthcare quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) (2013)

This report shows wide variation in achieving the 140/80 blood pressure target between CCGs and local health boards (LHBs). Some CCGs and LHBs met this target in 53 per cent of cases but in others it was met in less than 44 per cent of cases. The figures show over 1.2 million patients had not met the blood pressure target of less than 140/80 for the 2.3 million patients with diabetes in England and Wales whose blood pressure was recorded.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity Well-Being

Physical guidelines for children (under 5)

By NHS Choices (2013)

Guidelines on the amount of physical activity recommended for children under 5 years old, including related factsheets.

Click here to view these guidelines

Health Promotion Patient Satisfaction Public Mental Health Value Well-Being

Feel better outside, feel better inside: ecotherapy for mental wellbeing, resilience and recovery

By Mind (2013)

This report includes new findings from the University of Essex showing the many benefits of ecotherapy for mental wellbeing. It finds that ecotherapy has been proven to improve mental health, boost self esteem, help people with mental health problems return to work, improve physical health, and reduce social isolation.

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Health Promotion Library

Health literacy and health information producers: report of the findings of a UK wide survey of information producers and providers

By Patient Information Forum (2013)

This survey sought to gain insight into health literacy from the information producer perspective; exploring whether information producers know what it means and how important they think it is; what specific strategies they have to address the needs of people with low health literacy and how these strategies are implemented. The findings show that although information producers in the UK have a good understanding of health literacy and its importance, they lack the tools and skills with which to develop appropriate resources and services that meet the needs of people with low health literacy.

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Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Well-Being

12 minutes: the importance of physical activity, sports and exercise, in order to improve health, personal finances and the pressure on the NHS

By Nuffield Health (2013)

This report reveals that early indicators of poor mental health are on the increase. It also finds that GPs are 46 times more likely to prescribe medication than explore medically proven alternative options, like exercise. This report calls for all GPs in the UK to take a ‘diagnose, consider exercise, refer, treat’ approach to physical activity when patients present with early signs of mental ill health.

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Alcohol Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Tobacco & Drugs

Effectiveness of school-based life-skills and alcohol education programmes: a review of the literature

By NFER (2013)

This summary presents the findings of a review of UK and international academic literature published since 2008, undertaken by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) on behalf of Alcohol Research UK, between February and April 2013.

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CVD Health Promotion Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Local Government Respiratory Disease

NHS Health Check frequently asked questions

By Local Government Association (2013)

These frequently-asked questions (FAQs) have been produced by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Public Health England (PHE). They address a number of transitional issues relating to the transfer of responsibility for commissioning NHS Health Check to local government.

Click here to view these FAQs

Good Practice Health Inequality Health Promotion Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Minority Groups Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality)

Implementing a health 2020 vision: governance for health in the 21st century

By WHO (2013)

This review of inequities in health across the 53 Member States of the Region was commissioned to support the development of the new European policy framework for health and well-being, Health 2020. The report builds on the global evidence and recommends policies to reduce health inequities and the health divide across all countries, including those with low incomes.

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Children Commissioning Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Young People

How healthy behaviour supports children's well-being

By Public Health England (August 2013)

This briefing aims to provide a useful resource for a range of agencies, including local authority public health teams, children’s commissioners and providers of children’s services, schools, children’s centres, youth workers and parents/carers. Wellbeing is linked with an individual’s physical health, health behaviours and resilience. This briefing focuses on the association between health behaviour and wellbeing in children, drawing on a new analysis of two existing datasets, and findings from the wider academic literature.

Click here to view this briefing

Community Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Settings Integrated Care Local Government Well-Being

Health 2020: a European policy framework and strategy for the 21st Century

By WHO (2013)

Health 2020 is a value- and evidence-based health policy framework for health and well-being among the people of the WHO European Region. Health 2020 focuses on improving health for all and reducing health inequalities, through improved leadership and governance for health. It focuses on today’s major health problems. It identifies four priority areas for policy action and is innovative in terms of responses across all levels and sectors of government and society, emphasizing developing assets and resilience within communities, empowerment and creating supportive environments. It details the strengthened roles of public health services and the health system.

Click here to view this policy framework