Children Commissioning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Maximising the school nursing team contribution to the public health of school-aged children: Guidance to support the commissioning of public health provision for school aged children aged 5-19

By Department of Health (2014)

This guidance supports effective commissioning of school nursing services to provide public health for school aged children. It also explains how local school nursing services can be used and improved to meet local needs.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

CCGs one year on: member engagement and primary care development

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This slideshow presents the results of a survey of GPs in six CCG areas which investigated the experiences of member of CCGs over their first year. Whilst less than half of the GPs surveyed felt that decisions made by CCGs reflected their views, the research also suggests that three times as many GPs think that they can influence the work of their CCG than they could their predecessors, PCTs. The survey is an interim finding from ongoing work between The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust to understand how CCGs are developing.

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Commissioning Nutrition Obesity Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning guide: weight assessment and management clinics (tier 3)

By Royal College of Surgeons of England (2014)

The guide is intended to assist clinical commissioning groups in commissioning these services and reduce variation in access to weight-loss clinics across the country.

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Commissioning Nutrition Obesity

Joined up clinical pathways for obesity

By NHS England (2014)

This report recommends greater clarity around how obesity care in England is commissioned. It aims to support more equitable access to obesity and weight management services, including obesity surgery, across the country.

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Cancer Care of the Elderly Commissioning CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Respiratory Disease

Mapping the market II: commissioning support services

By NHS England (2014)

Mapping the Market II: Commissioning Support Services, is a sixty-page report that showcases services for clinical commissioners offered by voluntary sector organisations (VSOs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The publication, launched at a reception at the NHS Expo in Manchester, contains 12 in-depth interviews with VSO leaders from charities such as MacMillan Cancer Support, Alzheimer’s Society and Turning Point.
It also features a further 15 interviews with SME leaders from organisations such as Dr. Associates and Outcomes Based Healthcare, resulting in the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to the commissioning support market for anyone involved in commissioning healthcare in the UK.

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Asthma Children Commissioning Long-Term Conditions Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Young People

Disease management information toolkit

By Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network (2014)

We have updated the Disease Management Information Toolkit (DMIT) with data at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level for 2012/13.

DMIT is designed to help increase the efficiency of services for children with long-term conditions. The toolkit can be used to show performance for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy. It has information at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level on emergency hospital admissions for patients aged under 19 with a primary diagnosis of a particular condition. The toolkit enables CCGs to compare their emergency admission rates, bed-days and lengths of stay with a range of different comparators. It is designed to highlight variations at CCG level and allow benchmarking to inform the commissioning decision-making process for children’s services.

Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Star: helping commissioners to allocate resources efficiently

By The Health Foundation (2014)

Star is a new approach to priority setting in healthcare, which combines value for money analysis with stakeholder engagement. It was developed by Professor Gwyn Bevan’s team at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and funded by the Health Foundation. We talk to Professor Bevan about how Star can help commissioners to engage with local stakeholders and make more transparent decisions about healthcare resources.

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Children Commissioning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Child health in the new NHS

by the National Children’s Bureau (2014)

This report presents the results of the September 2013 independent survey of those directly involved in the commissioning, management and delivery of health and related services, and some analysis and reflections on the findings

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Commissioning Finance Health Promotion Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Well-Being

'Any Town' toolkit

By NHS England (2014)

This toolkit uses high level health system modelling and allows CCGs to map how interventions could improve local health services and close the financial gap. It is an additional guide to help commissioners with their five-year strategic plans, showing how a typical CCG could achieve financial balance over the strategic period up to 2018/19. Using 2013/14 as a baseline, ‘Any town’ uses detailed data including population size and disease prevalence, to predict what a typical health system’s quality and financial baseline may look like in 2018/19.

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change Commissioning Healthy Settings Library Licensing Local Government Planning

The views of public health teams working in local authorities: year 1

By Royal Society for Public Health (2014)

This report is based on a survey of public health professionals working in local authorities and it found the majority believe health decisions are being made based on politics rather than evidence. It also found that the public health workforce perceives that budgets which are meant to be reserved for public health initiatives are not being ring fenced in practice. Nearly three quarters of respondents also suggested that financial restrictions are impacting upon their team’s ability to deliver health improvement initiatives. Respondants expressed mixed views regarding the role of health and wellbeing boards which have been set up as a forum to discuss local needs and influence commissioning decisions.

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