Alcohol Commissioning Substance Misuse Substance Use Tobacco & Drugs

Delivering quality care for drug and alcohol users: the roles and competencies of doctors: a guide for commissioners, providers and clinicians

By Royal College of Psychiatrists  (September 2012)

This report will help commissioners, providers, regulators, policy makers, doctors and those seeking recovery from drug or alcohol use to ensure that drug and alcohol services make the best use of resources to deliver the highest possible standard of care across the entire pathway and that all doctors working with people using drugs and alcohol have the right level of competency for the roles and responsibilities they undertake.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Library

PCT CCG spend and outcome factsheets and tool

By Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Observatory (2012)

This tool helps commissioners to link health outcomes and expenditure. Commissioners can use the tool and the factsheets to gain an overview of outcome and expenditure across all programmes. This tool has been updated to include CCGs.

Click here to view this tool

Asthma CCGs Commissioning CVD Guidance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Designing and commissioning services for adults with asthma

By Primary Care Commissioning (2012)

This guide sets out the fifteen points that good asthma services need to include, with detailed advice for commissioners and service developers together with examples of good practice.

Click here to view this guidance

CCGs Commissioning General Practice Library

Primary care: today tomorrow – improving general practice by working differently

By Deloitte (May 2012)

Primary Care: Today and Tomorrow’, examines the capacity and capability of general practice now and in the future, with a focus on GPs and general practice nurses. The report highlights the need for general practice to work differently to cope effectively with the increasing demands it faces.  This will be especially pertinent as GPs take on the role of commissioners of local healthcare services.

Click here to view this report

Commissioning CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Browsing disease prevelance models

By the Public Health Observatory (2012)

Looking only at the numbers of patients currently being treated for a disease does not show the true prevalence and impact on the population’s health. At any given time there are many people who have a disease but are not aware of it because they have not yet been diagnosed. A robust and well-researched disease prevalence model can help commissioners to assess the true needs of their community, calculate the level of services needed and invest the appropriate level of resources for prevention, early detection, treatment and care. Prevalence models provide estimates of underlying prevalence derived from population statistics and scientific research on the risk factors for each disease. The models can also be used to support case-finding by identifying those areas where detection rates are low and targeting enhanced diagnostic activity on them.

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CCGs Commissioning Library Value

Looking for value in hard times: How a new approach to priority setting can help improve patient care while making savings

By The Health Foundation (August 2012)

This report describes a new approach to priority setting called Star (socio-technical allocation of resources) designed to help commissioners and others pinpoint where they may be able to get additional value from their resources by using them more effectively. It works by producing simple visual models, developed interactively with stakeholders, so that everyone involved can understand the nature of the choices to be made, and the disadvantages of not changing current practices. The approach combines value for money analysis with stakeholder engagement. This allows those planning services to determine how resources can be most effectively invested, while the engagement of stakeholders means the decisions are understood and supported by those most affected.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Library

A framework for collaborative commissioning between clinical commissioning groups

By NHS Commissioning Board (August 2012)

The NHS Commissioning Board has published ‘A framework for collaborative commissioning between CCGs’. The framework draws together relevant information that proposed CCGs might consider and sets out steps that many will want to take in their preparation for authorisation and the 2013/14 contracting round. In some cases, a large number of CCGs might commission a single service that is organised across a large geographical area (such as ambulance services) or in other cases, a group of CCGs who are geographical neighbours may wish to work together on a contract with a single provider to which the majority of their patients flow.

Click here to view this framework

CCGs Commissioning Library

The engagement cycle: engaging with patients and the public throughout the commissioning process

By NHS Institute of Innovation and Improvment (2012)

This resource is for commissioners of health services, it sets out what is required of you when engaging patients, carers and the public in the decisions you will make about health service provision and provides practical advice, case-study examples and links to other vital information.

Click here to view the overview as a PDF

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CCGs Commissioning Library

Quality Profiles

By Midlands and East Quality Observatory

The practice profiles aim to enable commissioners to compare the relative quality of their providers, to enable providers to benchmark their performance against the national average, and to share with patients and the public information on the quality of the services being provided. Quality profiles have also been published for CCGs. They fit into the new commissioning architecture of the NHS, and aim to support the patient information revolution by putting this information freely and transparently into the public domain.

Click here to view this webpage

Commissioning Community Library Minority Groups Third Sector

Specialist services: a guide for commissioners

By National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) (August 2012)

This guide focuses on black and minority ethnic (BME) voluntary and community organisations (VCOs), which are designed and delivered by and for the users and communities they aim to serve, and often have to address complex needs. This guide outlines how specialist services can offer a means through which to deliver the holistic approach required to meet the multiple needs of a group of individuals.

Click here to view this guide