Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Feeding Oral Health Physical Activity

Dental health: results of five year old children survey, 2011/12

By Public Health England (2013)

This summary report and associated tables present the results of standardised dental examinations of five year old children from across England during the 2011/12 school year. The tables provide details of total five year old population, sample size, number of children examined, along with weighted values for a number of dental and oral health indicators. Data and associated confidence intervals are presented at upper and lower tier local authority level.

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Alcohol Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Tobacco & Drugs

Effectiveness of school-based life-skills and alcohol education programmes: a review of the literature

By NFER (2013)

This summary presents the findings of a review of UK and international academic literature published since 2008, undertaken by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) on behalf of Alcohol Research UK, between February and April 2013.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being Young People

Predicting wellbeing

By NatCen Social Research (2013)

This report identifies what factors predict high levels of wellbeing among various groups including children and young people. This study’s focus on the predictors of positive wellbeing is designed to inform policy across the Department of Health, Public Health England, and beyond. It is being published alongside the launch of a major new Change4Life campaign, which draws on this study’s findings.

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Alcohol Children Community Crime Illegal Drugs Substance Misuse Substance Use Tobacco & Drugs

No quick fix: exposing the depth of Britain's drug and alcohol problem

By The Centre for Social Justice (2013)

This report lays bare the reality of substance abuse and addiction in Britain today. This ongoing challenge affects millions of people and has huge costs. Alcohol abuse costs taxpayers £21 billion a year and drugs £15 billion. While costs matter, it is the human consequences that present the real tragedy. The abuse of substances is a pathway to poverty and can lead to family breakdown and child neglect, homelessness, crime, debt, and long-term worklessness. From its impact on children to its consequences for those in later life, addiction destroys lives, wrecks families and blights communities.

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Children Commissioning Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Young People

How healthy behaviour supports children's well-being

By Public Health England (August 2013)

This briefing aims to provide a useful resource for a range of agencies, including local authority public health teams, children’s commissioners and providers of children’s services, schools, children’s centres, youth workers and parents/carers. Wellbeing is linked with an individual’s physical health, health behaviours and resilience. This briefing focuses on the association between health behaviour and wellbeing in children, drawing on a new analysis of two existing datasets, and findings from the wider academic literature.

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Alcohol Children Smoking Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Efficacy of a Text Message-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Young People: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Haug, S. et al. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2013; 15(8)

Smoking prevalence remains high, particularly among adolescents and young adults with lower educational levels, posing a serious public health problem. There is limited evidence of effective smoking cessation interventions in this population.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Well-Being

How active are our children? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study

Griffiths, LJ. et al. BMJ Open, 2013; 3:e002893

These findings showed that only half of 7-year-old children in the UK achieve recommended levels of physical activity, with significant gender, ethnic and geographic variations. The report states that further longitudinal studies are needed to better understand the relevance of these patterns for long-term health and wellbeing. It also recommends that in the meantime, population-wide efforts to boost physical activity among young people are needed, and will be reliant on a broad range of policy interventions.

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Children Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

National child measurement programme: operational guidance for the 2013/14 school year

By Public Health England (2013)

The guidance supports local authorities to meet their new statutory duty to deliver the NCMP, which measures the height and weight of children in reception and Year 6 annually. Until March 2013, primary care trusts were responsible for delivering the programme, but on 1 April 2013 local authorities became responsible for NCMP. PHE is working with local authorities to support them in delivering the programme.

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Children Nutrition Obesity Young People

Adolescent obesity and nutrition: research summary

By Association for Young Peoples Health (2013)

A larger proportion of young people are obese now than in the 1970s and 1980s. As a result, adolescent obesity is now a major public health issue. Understanding its prevalence, the health implications, and how to intervene are all critical. This paper presents an overview of the issues, and a useful selection of key, up-to-date findings on adolescent nutrition and obesity. This is the latest in a series of research summaries produced by the Association for Young People’s Health (AYPH) with support from the Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network, PHE.

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CCGs Children Commissioning CVD Guidance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Respiratory Disease

Designing and commissioning services for children and young people with asthma: a good practice guide

By Primary Care Commissioning (2013)

This guidance aims to help guide commissioners, service developers and providers on best practice asthma care. It sets out the 20 points that good asthma services need to include, and highlights what commissioners can do to drive improved asthma care at each part of the care pathway, with examples of good practice at each step.

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