CCGs Children Commissioning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Inequalities in health outcomes and how they must be addressed

By The Children’s Commissioner (2012)

A paper by the children’s watchdog for England examined inequalities in health service outcomes for children, and made a series of recommendations for tackling them.

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Public Mental Health Young People

Costs of eating disorders in England: Economic impacts of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other disorders, focussing on young people

By Pro Bono Economics and Beat (2012)

A newly released report carried out for Beat by a volunteer economist from the charity Pro Bono Economics (PBE) has found an overall estimated cost of £1.26 billion per year to the English economy from eating disorders – but this could be much higher.

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Community Library Patient Satisfaction Third Sector

Do changes to patient-provider relationships improve quality and save money?

By The Health Foundation (2012)

A review of evidence about value improvements made by changing communication, collaboration and support for self-care.

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CCGs Commissioning Community CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease Stroke

Stroke rehabilitation in the community: commissioning for improvement

By NHS Improvement (2012)

An information resource for providers and commissioners of stroke rehabilitation and early supported discharge services in the community.

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CCGs Commissioning CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

COPD commissioning toolkit

By Department of Health (2012)

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) commissioning toolkit is published for NHS commissioners and chief executives. It aims to make it easier to commission better outcomes for people with COPD by bringing together the clinical, financial and commercial aspects of commissioning in one place.

Click here to view this toolkit

CCGs Commissioning Library Local Government

Working with local government: a guide for GP Commissioners

By NHS Confederation (2012)

These briefings aim to help both GP commissioners and local authorities understand some of the structural and cultural differences between the NHS and local government.

Click here to view these briefings

CCGs Children Commissioning Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Making sense of commissioning maternity services in England: some issues for clinical commissioning groups to consider

By Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2012)

This guidance was produced in collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives and the National Childbirth Trust and aims to give CCGs advice and evidence-based information relating to some key issues to the commissioning and provision of maternity services in England.

Click here to view this guidance

Commissioning Community Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Well-Being

Costing the Walking for Health programme

By The Rand Corporation (2012)

Walking for Health is a physical activity intervention with the primary purpose of making a positive difference to people’s physical health. This report presents research into the economic costs of delivering the Walking for Health programme. These include financial (or accounting) costs and opportunity costs, which are the values of the foregone costs that could have been dedicated some other objective, based on a small sample of schemes representative of the variety across the programme as a whole.

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Library Social Media

Current use, future trends and opportunities in public sector social media

By Cogitamus & NHS Confederation (2012)

This report looks at the use of social media in the public sector, with a specific focus on health organisations. Respondents from 25 organisations were surveyed on their experiences of using social media. This report is designed to highlight useful social mediums for public sector organisations and to provide insight into how social media has worked for organisations similar to themselves.

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CCGs CSSs Library

Steering or rowing? Report from a simulation event which tested how CCGs might utilise CSSs

By NHS Commissioning Board (2012)

This report outlines learning from a scenario workshop held in May 2012. The purpose of the event was to explore the relationships between CCGs and CSSs, and to anticipate some of the likely challenges for CCGs and CSSs so that the NHS Commissioning Board Authority and partners can focus developmental activities effectively.

Click here to view this report