Library Local Government Third Sector

Catalyst councils: a new future for local public service delivery

By Localis (2012)

This report found that more than a third of council leaders and chief executives think that there are no local services that could not delivered by a 3rd party – whether a private or voluntary sector provider. It looks at alternative models of local public service delivery and highlights current examples which are being developed and implemented.

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Community Patient Experience Public Mental Health Social Care

Community mental health survey 2012

By Care Quality Commission (2012)

This survey of over 15,000 people on their experiences of community mental health services found that they are treated with dignity and respect by the health or social care worker they had seen most recently. However, some would have liked more support in getting help with aspects of day-to-day living.

Click here to view the brefing note

Click here to view the national tables

Click here to view results by NHS Trust

Alcohol Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Silent voices: supporting children and young people affected by parental alcohol misuse

By The Children’s Commissioner (September 2012)

This briefing outlines key findings and themes from a rapid evidence assessment on parental alcohol misuse. It outlines the need for earlier intervention and support from children’s social care services and is aimed at policy makers and those who commission and provide local services.

Click here to view this briefing

Library Safeguarding

Arrangements to secure children's and adult safeduarding in the future NHS

By NHS Commissioning Board (September 2012)

This interim advice provides guidance to CCGs on arrangements to secure children’s and adult safeguarding.

Click here to view this interim advice

Asthma CCGs Commissioning CVD Guidance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Designing and commissioning services for adults with asthma

By Primary Care Commissioning (2012)

This guide sets out the fifteen points that good asthma services need to include, with detailed advice for commissioners and service developers together with examples of good practice.

Click here to view this guidance

Library Local Government Social Care

Supporting the North West on personal budgets: a report from In Control

By In Control (2012)

As part of a project looking at the implementation of personal budgets in the north west of England, three key areas which require further development were highlighted: minimum process; managed personal budgets; and workforce. This paper summarises the challenges faced in these areas, highlights good practice taking place and makes recommendations for improvement for individual councils and for the region as a whole.

Click here to view this report

Library Secondary Care

Hospitals on the edge? The time for action

By The Royal College of Physicians (September 2012)

This report argues that demand on clinical services is increasing to the point where acute care cannot keep pace in its current form. It highlights that there are a third fewer general and acute beds now than there were 25 years ago, yet the last decade alone has seen a 37% increase in emergency admissions. It makes recommendations for a move towards more patient-centred care and a reorganisation and redesign of services.

Click here to view this report

Guidance Health Promotion Library Maternal

Flu immunisation for pregnant women

By NHS Eastern & Costal Kent (August 2012)

The South East region of the Health Protection Agency funded a short term project during February and March 2012 to investigate the attitudes of pregnant women and healthcare professionals with regard to influenza immunisations and to explore models of good practice. The project group was tasked with producing this resource pack for NHS organisations to use in both primary and secondary care settings to assist them to increase their influenza immunisation uptake rates in pregnant women.

Click here to view the downloadable documents

Guidance Public Mental Health

Preventing suicide in England: a cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives

By HM Government & Department of Health (2012)

This all-age suicide prevention strategy builds on the 2002 national suicide prevention strategy. It supports action by bringing together knowledge about groups at higher risk of suicide, applying evidence of effective interventions and highlighting resources available.  This will support local decision-making, while recognising the autonomy of local organisations to decide what works in their area.

Click here to view the guidance

CCGs Commissioning General Practice Library

Primary care: today tomorrow – improving general practice by working differently

By Deloitte (May 2012)

Primary Care: Today and Tomorrow’, examines the capacity and capability of general practice now and in the future, with a focus on GPs and general practice nurses. The report highlights the need for general practice to work differently to cope effectively with the increasing demands it faces.  This will be especially pertinent as GPs take on the role of commissioners of local healthcare services.

Click here to view this report