CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library Local Government Social Care Well-Being

Improving the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabiltites: an evidence-based commissioning guide for clinical commissioning groups

By Improving Health & Lives: Learning Disabilities Observatory (2012)

The guide is intended to help CCGs commission high quality, cost effective general and specialist health services for people with learning disabilities; jointly commission services for people who challenge services and those with complex needs; and work with health and wellbeing boards, local authorities and others to address the social factors which affect the health of people with learning disabilities.

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Alcohol Children Tobacco & Drugs

Recognition of alcohol brands by primary school children

By Alcohol Concern (2012)

Alcohol Concern was keen to learn whether, and to what extent, the drinks industry’s marketing messages are reaching children, and what the potential implications of this might be. This briefing paper considers the findings of a brand and logo recognition study conducted amongst primary school children across Wales.

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Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

Alcohol harm map

By Alcohol Concern (2012)

This map reveals the cost of alcohol abuse to local health services. It provides regional data on hospital admissions, deaths and costs relating to alcohol.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Self-Management Well-Being

Preventative care and healthy aging: a global perspective

By the Economist Intelligence Unit (2012)

This report, sponsored by Pfizer, investigates the challenges and pressures that an ageing population puts on healthcare systems and economies worldwide, and how eight countries: Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, the UK and the US are promoting preventive care and healthy ageing.

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Library Self-Management

The impact of demographic change on public services

By The International Longevity Centre (October 2012)

This publication of evidence given to the new House of Lords Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change considers how the ageing population will affect public services, and the relationship between people and the state. In terms of health care the report recommends greater investment in preventative care through out the course of life, and argues that the cost of dementia is likely to play an increasingly important role in influencing public spending.

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Community Library Well-Being

Towards excellence in hospice care: widening access through nurse leadership

By Help the Hospices (October 2012)

This report is based on findings from the ‘widening access through nurse leadership’ project, which saw nurses from hospices across the UK reaching out to underrepresented groups to broaden access to palliative care. It calls for greater innovation and collaboration between providers and community groups, so that hospices across the UK can reach out to all those who are affected by terminal illness in their communities.

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Community Library Patient Satisfaction

Working together for change: citizen-led change in public services

By Groundswell Partnership (2012)

This paper describes the working together for change process in detail and places an emphasis on generating solutions, developing robust plans to make them happen and identifying and measuring outcomes. The step by step method has been designed for use by local authorities, social care providers and individual services and can be used to improve commissioning and service provision.
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CCGs Commissioning Guidance Library

Sessional GPs in commissioning

By The Royal College of General Practitioners  (October 2012)

This report surveyed sessional GPs and those involved in emerging CCGs in order to find how engaged sessional GPs are with commissioning and to find examples of best practice, models of inclusion, engagement and leadership including the necessary conditions for their success, along with any barriers preventing these.

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Library Patient Safety Value

Not the Francis Report: a National Voices report on how to ensure safety and quality

By National Voices (October 2012)

This report calls for greater urgency in improving patient safety and care quality. It warns that delays to the Francis Report could also create delays on improvements in care quality in the NHS and the report makes a number of recommendations for improving patient safety and the quality of patient care. These recommendations include greater patient and public involvement; the reorganisation of hospital services; and a drive towards integrated primary care.

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CCGs Commissioning Public Mental Health

Mental health and the market

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This briefing summarises the main findings of a Department of Health commissioned report on the current landscape for mental health service provision in England. It aims to provide CCGs with a clearer understanding of the way in which the market currently operates in the mental health sector, and will assist in the development of effective commissioning arrangements.

Click here to view this briefing