Infant Feeding

Preventing disease and saving resources: the potential contribution of increasing breastfeeding rates in the UK

By UNICEF (2012)

This report looks at how raising breastfeeding rates could save money through improving health outcomes. It finds that for five illnesses, moderate increases in breastfeeding would translate into cost savings for the NHS of £40 million and tens of thousands of fewer hospital admissions and GP consultations. It analyses three conditions: cognitive ability, childhood obesity and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and finds that modest improvements in breastfeeding rates could save millions of pounds.

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CCGs Commissioning End of Life Care Library Social Care

Commissioning person centred end of life care: a toolkit for health and social care professional

NHS National End of Life Care Programme (2012)

This guide identifies the main elements involved in commissioning end of life care services, explains the commissioning cycle in practical terms and offers a four-stage approach across all sectors. It provides a wide range of links to tools and sources of support for both commissioners and providers of services. It also showcases good practice and seeks to indicate what a well-commissioned end of life care service looks like.

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Health Promotion Library Maternal Young People

Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom: a behavioural ecological perspective

Dickins, TE. et al. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 2012; 6(3): 344-359

This article states that attempts to reduce high rates of teenage pregnancy and motherhood are unlikely to succeed if young women continued to face environmental risk and uncertainty. Environmental risk, including factors such as crime and vandalism, are a clear predictor of early pregnancy. Rather than investing in educational programmes, money would be better spent on the maintenance of at-risk neighbourhoods.

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Infant Feeding Young People

Early breastfeeding experiences of adolescent mothers: a qualitative prospective study

Smith, PH. et al. International Breastfeeding Journal, 2012; 7: 13

Teen mothers face many challenges to successful breastfeeding and are less likely to breastfeed than any other population group in the U.S. Few studies have investigated this population; all prior studies are cross-sectional and collect breastfeeding data retrospectively. The purpose of this qualitative prospective study was to understand the factors that contribute to the breastfeeding decisions and practices of teen mothers.

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Child Protection Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Safeguarding

The social paediatrics initiative: a RICHER model of primary health care for at risk children and their families

Wong, ST. et al. BMC Pediatrics, 2012; 12: 158

This study provides the first examination of a model of delivering PHC, using a Social Paediatrics approach.

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Children Library

Communicating with parents about vaccination: a framework for health professionals

Leask, J. et al. BMC Pediatrics, 2012; 12:154

A critical factor shaping parental attitudes to vaccination is the parent’s interactions with health professionals. An effective interaction can address the concerns of vaccine supportive parents and motivate a hesitant parent towards vaccine acceptance.

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Library Well-Being Young People

Measuring national well-being: measuring young people's well-being, 2012

By Office for National Statistics (October 2012)

This article is published as part of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Measuring National Well-being Programme and aims to examine some aspects of well-being for young people aged 16 to 24.

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Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

Over the limit: the truth about families and alcohol

By 4Children (2012)

This report warns of a ‘silent epidemic’ of alcohol misuse by British families. The report warns that too many parents remain oblivious to the negative effects that alcohol can have on their parenting. It calls for a series of wide-ranging reforms including a commitment from the alcohol industry to recognise their responsibility to the wellbeing of consumers by diverting 1% of revenue to fund a new alcohol awareness campaign aimed at families.

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Alcohol Payment by Results Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Delivering drugs and alcohol recovery bulletin

By Department of Health (2012)

This is the online bulletin for the Payment by Results for Recovery Pilot Programme. You will find all the latest news about the programme, events to promote payment by results and hear from our pilot sites on how implementation is progressing.

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CCGs Commissioning Guidance Health Promotion Integrated Care Public Mental Health Social Care Well-Being

Incorporating mental health and employment in your joint strategic needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy

By London Mental Health & Employment Partnerships (September 2012)

This guidance highlights the importance of health and employment to CCGs, HWBs, directors of adult social service and other partners responsible for promoting public health and delivering personal responses to people at risk of long-term illness and social exclusion. It aims to help local commissioners and planners incorporate mental and employment considerations into their joint needs assessment and health and wellbeing strategy.

Click here to view this guidance