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Review into the quality of care and treatment provided by 14 hospital trusts in England: overview report

By Professor Sir Bruce Keogh KBE (July 2013)

Sir Bruce Keogh’s review into 14 hospital trusts in England is the result of a series of ‘deep-dive’ reviews into other hospitals with mortality rates which have been consistently high for two years or more. It found that all 14 trusts will have to undertake strict improvement plans and 11 will be placed into special measures to ensure that Sir Bruce’s recommendations are fully implemented and patient care improves.

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Commissioning Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Integrated car in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales: lessons for England

By The King’s Fund (July 2013)

At a time when policy-makers in England have made a commitment to bring about closer integration of care both within the NHS and between health and social care, what can the health and social care system in England learn from the experiences of the other countries of the United Kingdom?

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Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

Emergency planning and preparedness: exercises and training

By Cabinet Office (February 2013)

The government aims to ensure all organisations are fully prepared for all types of emergencies.

Integral to that is the practising and testing of all the elements of emergency plans. This guide outlines what we mean by exercising, describes different types of exercise, and outlines the exercising which takes place at all levels of government. It also provides some specific examples of recent exercises.

Training staff who are involved in emergency planning and response is fundamental to an organisation’s ability to handle any type of emergency. This guide also outlines the aims of training in this context, describes different types of training, and points out the emphasis placed on training within the Civil Contingencies Act. It also introduces the Central Government Emergency Response Training (CGERT) Course, which is designed to equip people with the knowledge, skills and awareness necessary for their role in crisis management at the national strategic level.

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Payment by Results Sexual Health

Developing payment by results for sexual health

By Department of Health (April 2013)

Commissioning Local Government Sexual Health

A framework for sexual health improvement in England

By Department of Health (March 2013)

This document:

  • aims to provide the information, evidence base and support tools to enable those involved in sexual health improvement to work together effectively
  • should ensure that accessible high quality services and support are available to everyone

From April 2013, local authorities will commission most sexual health services, but Clinical Commissioning Groups and the NHS Commissioning Board will also have a role. Support will be provided to these bodies by Public Health England.

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Children Guidance Infant Feeding

Equality analysis: Chief Medical Officer & Director of Public Health Nursing – Communication about 'best practice preparation of formula milk'

By Department of Health (January 2013)

This longstanding advice is set out by the Department of Health and the Food Standards Agency.

The department is aware that there has been debate over the preparation of formula milks using water at a temperature lower than 70°C. This is a concern because our precautionary approach sets out that people should make up formula milks using water at a temperature of 70°C, or above, to help minimise the microbiological risk to infants.

Health professionals have been communicating this message and this has helped to achieve high levels of compliance when parents prepare formula milks as evidenced by the NHS infant feeding survey – UK 2010, chapter 5: Use of milk other than breastmilk.

The Chief Medical Officer and the Director for Public Health Nursing do not want to lose this impetus and have asked relevant health professionals including GPs, midwives, health visitors and pharmacists to continue to give this precautionary advice to parents. The equalities analysis sets out how this advice impacts on a wide range of people.

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Accident Prevention Community Safety Primary Care Commissioning

Community safety fund (CSF)

By  Home Office (February 2013)

Details of community safety funding which PCCs will be able to use to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

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Library Social Care

Paying for social care: beyond Dilnot

By The King’s Fund (2013)

The government’s commitment to implementing the proposals of the Dilnot Commission has been included in the Care Bill that is now before parliament. This paper considers the planning and funding needed to meet the social care needs of the future and calls for the total quantity of resources to be assessed to ensure that people have access to the right level of support.
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Francis Inquiry Library

Patient-centred leadership: rediscovering our purpose

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This report summarises the main findings of the Francis Inquiry into the failings of care at Mid Staffordshire in relation to NHS leadership and culture. It sets out what needs to be done to avoid similar failures in future, focusing on the role of three key ‘lines of defence’ against poor-quality care: frontline clinical teams, the boards leading NHS organisations, and national organisations responsible for overseeing the commissioning, regulation and provision of care.

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Think piece: in place of fear: narrowing health inequalities

By Centre for Labour and Social Studies (2013)

This think piece discusses the rise of health inequalities, particularly in relation to the rise in social and economic disparities. It discusses the impact that policy changes might make on remedying health inequalities in England.

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