Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Oral Health Physical Activity

Holidays, play and leisure: information for families

By Family Fund (2013)

Many disabled children and young people say that leisure and play – after school, in the holidays and at weekends – is the most important missing element in their lives. This guide provides information about play and leisure options and where to find more information. It also has information about arranging holidays for disabled children and details of organisations which provide grants for these types of activities.

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Healthy Settings Value

Helping people live better for longer: a guide to the Department of Health's role and and purpose post April 2013

By Department of Health (July 2013)

This guide provides an overview of the Department of Health’s new role from April 2013. It includes information on operations, values, organisation and governance. It also looks at relationships with partner organisations and their roles in the new health and care system.

Click here to view this guide

Health Promotion Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Sexual Health

Resources for commissioners of women's health services

By The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists  (2013)

This new new e-resource aims to support CCGs and NHS England in the commissioning of women’s health services. It brings together standards for hospital-based obstetric and gynaecological care with community-based sexual and reproductive healthcare advice. It is also accompanied by a digital booklet, which provides a brief introduction to the medical specialties and highlights examples of best practice and innovation in UK health organisations.

Click here to view these resources

Care of the Elderly Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning care and support for older people with high support needs

By The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (July 2013)

This paper provides practical guidance for commissioners of older people’s services on the range of models and approaches available for supporting older people with high support needs. It describes the options that are available, what makes them successful and beneficial, and suggests five priorities for commissioners.

Click here to view this paper

Cancer Secondary Care

Cured but at what cost? long-term consequences of cancer and its treatment

By Macmillan Cancer Support (July 2013)

This report warns that the NHS is woefully unprepared to help the rapidly growing number of cancer survivors. It looks at the long-term consequences of cancer and its treatment and shows that cancer survivors have an increased risk of other serious conditions. It makes recommendations for support for cancer survivors which is aimed at commissioners and health professionals.

Click here to view this report

Accident Prevention Child Protection Community Safety Well-Being

Delivering accident prevention at local level in the new public health system: part 1 – context

By The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (July 2013)

This handbook sets out the current level of accidents and their associated costs, and outlines how accident prevention fits into the new arrangements for public health. It also includes case studies, fact sheets and research papers, highlighting how accident prevention can be delivered successfully, with subjects including falls prevention, home safety for under-5s, water safety, local transport plans and how to link up with other agendas such as child welfare.

Click here to view this handbook

Alcohol Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Free market solutions in health: the case of nicotine

By The Institute of Economic Affairs (July 2013)

This report argues that regulation of alternative nicotine products will actually do more harm than good as these products are not a gateway to smoking, but a gateway from smoking. The report makes recommendations for the availability of e-cigarettes as a standard consumer product and the introduction of competition into the alternative nicotine product market in order to foster safer products at lower prices for consumers.

Click here to view this report

Children CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Mortality Public Mental Health

Healthy young minds, healthy communities conference

By Royal Society for Public Health (June 2013)

This is a report of an event held jointly by RSPH and the Institute of Health Visiting which was designed to explore the extraordinarily close links between early experiences, both in the womb and as a young infant, and the health of the community and public. It mentions the topics covered by the conference, including identifying the evidence base for the impact of early experience during pregnancy and the first two years in infants and young children, the implications of the evidence for health visiting practice and the public mental health implications of the evidence for policy makers.

Click here to view this conference report

Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Physical activity promotion in socially disadvantaged groups: principles for action

By WHO (July 2013)

Scientific evidence shows that physical inactivity is a leading risk factor for ill health, and that these groups tend to have low levels of activity. This policy summary and full report on promoting physical activity in socially disadvantaged groups aims to provide principles for targeted intervention.

Click here to view this report

Access Cancer

Age is just a number: the report of the parliamentary inquiry into older age and breast cancer

By All Party Parliamentary Group on Breast Cancer (July 2013)

This is a report of an inquiry which aimed to examine the variations and barriers preventing all patients diagnosed with breast cancer having access to the services, treatments and care that will benefit them most, regardless of their age. It lays out a series of key recommendations on ways to improve diagnosis, treatment and care, representing the culmination of the findings of the inquiry.

Click here to read the report