Minority Groups Oral Health Physical Activity

Oral health and access to dental services for people from black and minority ethnic groups

By Race Equality Foundation (2013)

This briefing considers differences in dental diseases and in the utilisation of dental services between black and minority ethnic groups and the general population in the UK. It highlights ways to improve their oral health and dental service experiences and makes recommendations for future research.

Click here to view this briefing 

CCGs Children Commissioning CVD Guidance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Respiratory Disease

Designing and commissioning services for children and young people with asthma: a good practice guide

By Primary Care Commissioning (2013)

This guidance aims to help guide commissioners, service developers and providers on best practice asthma care. It sets out the 20 points that good asthma services need to include, and highlights what commissioners can do to drive improved asthma care at each part of the care pathway, with examples of good practice at each step.

Click here to view this guidance

Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Safety Healthy Settings Patient Experience Patient Safety Safeguarding Secondary Care

A promise to learn: a commitment to act: improving the safety of patients in England

By National Advisory Group on the Safety of Patients in England (2013)

This report is the result of the Berwick Review which looked at patient safety following the publication of the Francis Report into the breakdown of care at Mid Staffordshire Hospitals. It highlights the main problems affecting patient safety in the NHS and makes recommendations to address them.

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Integrated Care Public Mental Health Well-Being

The Esteem Team: coordinated care in the Sandwell integrated primary care mental health and wellbeing service

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This case study is part of a research project undertaken by The King’s Fund and funded by Aetna and the Aetna Foundation in the United States to compare five successful UK-based models of care co-ordination. It looks at the Sandwell Esteem Team, part of the Sandwell Integrated Primary Care Mental Health and Wellbeing Service (the Sandwell Wellbeing Hub) in the West Midlands. This hub is a holistic primary and community care-based approach to improving social, mental and physical health and wellbeing in the borough of Sandwell.

Click here to view these case reports

Care of the Elderly Commissioning Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Cost effective commissioning for continence care

By All Party Parliamentary Group For Continence Care (2013)

This guide illustrates the importance of continence care and sets out how to commission and deliver a quality integrated service which meets patient’s needs and is cost-effective to the NHS.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being Young People

The good childhood report 2013

By The Children’s Society (2013)

This report says the happiness of children in the UK is in decline, with 15% of young teenagers reporting low wellbeing. This is the second in a series of annual reports to outline what we know about the quality of children’s lives – as rated by children themselves.

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CCGs Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Well-Being

Commissioning for carers: key principles for clinical commissioning groups

By Carers Trust (2013)

This resource was developed to ensure that support for carers is prioritised by CCGs. It makes the case that supporting carers’ wellbeing can reduce overall spending in the NHS and will help commissioners to meet their required outcomes.

Click here to view this resource

Aging Care of the Elderly

Ageing, longevity and demographic change: a factpack of statistics from the international longevity centre-UK

By International Longevity Centre-UK (2013)

This factpack provides statistics on a range of topics from life expectancy to housing supply, from pensions to the popularity of smart-phones amongst today’s older generations. The information has been collated from a range of official sources including the Office for National Statistics, the European Commission and from other research organisations.

Click here to view this factpack

Care of the Elderly Well-Being

Understanding the oldest old

By Bristol University Personal Finance Resource Centre (2013)

This new analysis, published as part of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (ESRC SDAI) is part of a major project exploring the financial dimensions of wellbeing and wider quality of life measures in older age. It uses new data from UK’s largest ever social survey, Understanding Society, to uncover preliminary findings about the ‘oldest old’ (aged over 85) and their levels of participation, wellbeing and health.

Click here to view this report

CVD Health Promotion Licensing Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Planning Respiratory Disease

NHS Health Check implementation review and action plan

By Public Health England

This review argues that checking 40-74-year-olds’ blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and lifestyle could identify problems earlier and prevent 650 deaths, 1,600 heart attacks and 4,000 cases of diabetes a year. Before local authorities took over responsibility for commissioning health checks in April, there was considerable variation in how widely they were offered. PHE, which leads the NHS Health Check programme, has now launched a ten-point plan to help councils roll them out to 20 per cent of their eligible local population a year –15 million people by 2018/19.

Click here to view this review