Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Annual figures from the national child measurement programme

By Public Health England (December 2013)

Latest annual figures from the national child measurement programme show obesity levels among four to five year old children have levelled out (to 9.3% compared with 9.5% in 2011/12), and levels in 10 to 11 year old children have stabilised (18.9% versus 19.2% in 2011/12) for the first time since the programme started.

Public Mental Health

Co-production in mental health: a literature review

By NEF (the new economics foundation)  (2013)

In spring 2013, NEF was commissioned by Mind to review the literature on how co-production is being used in mental health settings. This report sets out the findings of that review, showing what evidence there is of the impact of co-production on mental health support, and which aspects of co-production are being developed in the sector.

Click here to view this review

COPD CVD Good Practice Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

COPD pathway

By British Lung Foundation (2013)

This patient pathway aims to help people living with COPD, their carers and healthcare professionals identify the type of care COPD patients should be receiving, from diagnosis onwards. It also includes NICE Quality Standards and real-life best practice case studies from around the UK.

Click here to view this pathway

CCGs Commissioning Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Interim commissioning policies for non-specialised services

By NHS England

NHS England has today published 37 nationally consistent commissioning policies as part of its role as a direct commissioner for some non-specialised services. The policies, which are interim at this stage, are of particular benefit to the armed forces and health and justice populations as members of these communities are subject to changes in location which may disrupt the provision of their healthcare. All of the policies will be subject to further review by NHS England’s Clinical Reference Groups, and will be subject to full public consultation next year.

Click here to view these policies

Care of the Elderly Immunisation Licensing Older people Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Immune response: adult immunisation in the UK: improving access to vaccination for older people

By International Longevity Centre (November 2013)

This report sets out an argument for adult immunisation in the UK as a preventative public health intervention within broader healthy ageing strategies as a cost-effective measure. It highlights a number of policy recommendations that include: JSNAs taking a life-course approach to immunisation; health and wellbeing boards ensuring that that life-course vaccination is adequately considered as part of health planning and commissioning; and that commissioning arrangements for immunisation should support the uptake of adult vaccination.

Click here to view this report

Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings seasonal mortality) Secondary Care Social Care

The state of health care and adult social care in England 2012/13

By Care Quality Commission (November 2013)

This year’s State of Care report looks at the pressures on A&E services due to an increase of admissions for ‘avoidable’ conditions. It also brings together the findings of more than 35,000 inspections to try and give a picture of the quality of health and social care services in 2012/13.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Third Sector

Role of the voluntary sector in providing commissioning support

By Nuffield Trust (2013)

This report explores what support clinical commissioning groups and commissioning support units want and need from the voluntary sector and what the ‘value-add’ is; what commissioning support services the voluntary sector can offer; how a partnership between the voluntary sector and commissioners can uniquely help to resolve challenging scenarios commissioners encounter; and the necessary steps to ensure strong collaboration between commissioners, commissioning partners and the voluntary sector.

Click here to view this report

Health Promotion Nutrition Obesity

Obesity and the environment: increasing physical activity and active travel

By Public Health England (2013)

This briefing summarises the importance of action on obesity and a specific focus on active travel, and outlines the regulatory and policy approaches that can be taken.

Click here to view this briefing

Commissioning Guidance Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

NHS public health functions agreement 2014-15: public health functions to be exercised by NHS England

By Department of Health (2013)

This document sets out how NHS England is accountable for the delivery of certain public health services and describes expert support from Public Health England. The accompanying service specifications provide details of the public health evidence and advice needed to support effective commissioning.

Click here to view this guidance

CCGs Commissioning Guidance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Sexual Health

Commissioning regional and local sexual health services

By Public Health England (November 2013)

Guidance for commissioners of HIV, sexual and reproductive health services: includes prevention, treatment, information, advice and support.

Click here to view this guidance