
Everyone counts: planning for patients 2014/15 – 2018/19: technical definitions for clinical commissioning groups and area teams



change Commissioning Guidance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Everyone counts: planning for patients 2014/15 to 2018/19

By NHS England (2014)

This guidance sets out the need for bold and ambitious five year
strategic plans from NHS commissioners. It describes an approach to
deliver transformational change with the first critical steps over the next
two years, to achieve the continued ambition to secure sustainable high
quality care for all, now and for future generations.

Click here to view this guidance

Guidance Health Protection (Emergency planning Integrated Care Minority Groups Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality) Sexual Health

Improving access to health care for Gypsies and Travellers, homeless people and sex workers

By RCGP (2013)

This guidance argues that radical changes are needed to meet the healthcare needs of vulnerable groups. It makes recommendations towards more communication and joined up working between health, social care and voluntary services targeted at marginalised groups; and greater integration between health and housing services to identify and treat health problems associated with poor living conditions.

Click here to view this guidance

Community Public Mental Health

Mental Health and community services

By Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (2013)

This briefing explores the opportunities and good practice currently developing in ‘combined’ or ‘integrated’ trusts, as well as the challenges. It considers whether this growing trend is good for mental health and community services and what the consequences might be.

Click here to view this briefing

Healthy Settings Library Licensing Local Government Planning

Healthy dialogues: embedding health in local governments

By New Local Government Network (2013)

This research finds that councillors are preparing to transform the way public health services are delivered, but many of them are likely to be frustrated by inflexible ring-fenced budgets and locked-in contracts with the private sector. It also found that the wider determinants of public health and increasingly being considered as priorities for public health but this is not reflected in spending decisions.

Click here to view this research

Public Mental Health Well-Being

No health without mental health: mental health dashboard

By Department of Health (December 2013)

The first annual mental health dashboard aims to show progress against the objectives set out in the ‘No health without mental health’ strategy. The dashboard includes information on: mental health services; the physical wellbeing of people with mental health problems; and experiences of stigma and discrimination.

Click here to view this dashboard

Care of the Elderly Minority Groups

2013 rural ageing research summary report of findings

By Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2013)

This research explored the impact of ageing populations in rural areas for service design and delivery. It finds that rural areas face disproportionate challenges arising from an ageing population, compared with urban areas, not least as nearly a quarter of all older people live in rural areas, and as they age their requirements for access to services such as health, transport, and social services are likely to increase.

Click here to view this research

Alcohol Best Practice Illegal Drugs Public Mental Health Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

WHO MiNDbank

By World Health Organisation (2013)

This database presents a range of information about mental health, substance abuse, disability, human rights and the different policies, strategies, laws and service standards being implemented in different countries. Users can review policies, laws and strategies and search for best practices and success stories in the field of mental health.

Click here to view the database

Good Practice Health Inequalities Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Improving the public's health: a resource for local authorities

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This report brings together a wide range of evidence-based interventions about ‘what works’ in improving public health and reducing health inequalities. It presents the business case for different interventions and signposts the reader to further resources and case studies.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Diabetes Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

State of the Nation 2013

By Diabetes UK (2013)

This report highlights the continuing challenge that diabetes continues to present to the NHS and that quality of care is uneven throughout the country. Checking against NICE standards people who live in the best-performing CCG area are four times more likely to be given eight of the vital health checks recommended by NICE as compared to people living in the worst-performing area. It argues that diabetes care is adequately funded but that the focus of the spending should be on prevention rather than treatment.

Click here to view this report