Care of the Elderly Dementia Public Mental Health

Dementia: a state of the nation report on dementia care and support in England

By Department of Health (2013)

This Dementia report, with its accompanying map of variation, available at, shines a light on the quality of dementia care in England. The very best services are excellent and show what is possible. But the worst show that we still have some way to go. The message is clear: we can and must do better.

Click here to view this report

Accident Prevention Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Safeguarding seasonal mortality)

Behaviour change: individual approaches

By NICE (2013)

This guidance makes recommendations on individual-level interventions aimed at changing health-damaging behaviours among people aged 16 or over.

Click here to view this guidance

Public Mental Health Secondary Care

Liaison psychiatry for every acute hospital: integrated mental and physical health

By Royal College of Psychiatrists (2013)

This report summarises existing evidence of need for liaison psychiatry services in all acute hospitals and then provides evidence for the range of problems addressed, and range of interventions required, to meet core mental health demands in acute hospitals. It also contains case examples that demonstrate the benefit of services; provide detailed considerations for service design, including principle organisational standards, access and response standards, hours of operation, remit and staffing; governance is addressed as a range of clinical and organisational risks and how these can be reduced by liaison psychiatry services are described. Lastly, key considerations required to set local standards for common mental health-related problems that occur in acute hospitals are provided.

Click here to view this report

General Practice Nutrition Obesity

State of the nations waistline: obesity in the UK: analysis and expectations

By National Obesity Forum (2013)

This report aims to audit the situation in the UK, to identify what initiatives and policy exists, and to assess their effectiveness in tackling obesity and weight management issues. It highlights a lack of support and guidance for those who are obese or morbidly obese as well as a deficiency in GP knowledge of support services.

Click here to view this report

Cancer Quality Well-Being

Stratified cancer pathways: redesigning services for those living with or beyond cancer

By NHS Improving Quality (2013)

The incidence of cancer in England is increasing, but so are survival rates. By 2030 there are likely to be over 3 million people in England living with or beyond their cancer (National Cancer Survivorship Initiative 2012). As a result, there is growing demand for cancer aftercare services. Routine 1- to 5-year follow-up of cancer survivors within the NHS costs approximately £250 million a year from an annual £6 billion budget.

Click here to view this pathway

Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Well-Being

Effects of housing improvements on health

By NICE (2013)

Overview: In 2011, 6.8 million (29.8%) of the 22.8 million houses and flats in England did not meet housing standards (English housing survey 2011: homes report). One in ten (10.6%) were in substantial disrepair, 4.6% had damp, a quarter did not meet the ‘decent home’ standard (23.5%), and 15.3% had a serious health and safety hazard.

A large body of evidence suggests an association between poor housing and poor physical and mental health, but the nature of any causal links is complicated by the coexistence of poor housing with other determinants of poor health, such as unemployment and poverty. An analysis by the Health Development Agency (2005), now part of NICE, found review-level evidence that a number of housing interventions, such as housing subsidy programmes for low-income families and improving housing energy efficiency measures, improved health. However, the authors noted a number of methodological issues that might limit the validity of their findings.

Current advice: The Department for Communities and Local Government considers a house or flat ‘decent’ if it:
• poses no serious health and safety hazards, as measured by the Housing Health and Safety Rating System
• is in a reasonable state of repair
• has reasonably modern facilities and services, such as kitchens, bathrooms and boilers
• provides a reasonable degree of thermal comfort.
Social houses and flats that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard should undergo refurbishment to bring them up to or above the standard. Homes in the private rented sector do not have to meet the standard but are required to meet Housing Health and Safety Rating System standards. Private landlords whose properties contain hazards as assessed by the system, in particular landlords with tenants on means tested or disability benefits, can be compelled to improve their properties by local authorities.

New evidence: A Cochrane systematic review by Thomson et al. (2013) sought to establish whether physical improvements to housing affected health and socioeconomic outcomes. The authors searched for studies of the effects of rehousing and any physical change to housing – for example, heating installation and general refurbishment – on physical or mental health, wellbeing or quality of life. Thirty-nine quantitative and qualitative studies were identified, but meta-analysis of the data was not possible because of extreme heterogeneity among the studies.

Assessment of the studies by intervention type suggested that warmth and energy efficiency improvements to housing (19 studies) benefited respiratory health and had some positive effect on general and mental health. The studies of rehousing or retrofitting houses mostly looked at housing-led neighbourhood renewal (14 studies) and had mixed results, with only one small study reporting a significant improvement in general health. The limited evidence available on provision of basic housing in low or middle income countries (3 studies) reported unclear or small health improvements, as did the poor evidence on rehousing from slums (3 studies). Three studies reported lower levels of school absence in children after housing improvements, with 1 additionally reporting a link between housing improvements and a significantly lower number of days off work among adults.

The authors generated a model using the 9 studies with the best available data to analyse the overall effect on health of modern day improvements to housing. These studies suggested that warmth or energy efficiency improvements, which are often part of rehousing or retrofitting projects, can lead to improvements in health in high income countries. Analysis of the qualitative data identified in the search suggested that improvements in thermal comfort and affordable warmth allow residents to use more of their indoor space, which can promote improvements in diet, privacy, and household and family relationships.

Commentary: “This study strengthens the evidence of the link between improvements in housing – particularly in warmth and affordable warmth – and improved physical and mental health. It shows the key role of housing in the dynamic between poverty and poor health, and how improving housing can benefit school attendance and reduce absenteeism from work; for example, through improved respiratory health and improved relationships within the home.

“The significance of this evidence for practice is that primary care health professionals and others with a responsibility for improving health and wellbeing should focus not just on individual lifestyle factors but also on supporting improvements in the environment. Such improvements might include interventions to tackle fuel poverty and to improve the energy efficiency of homes.

“Local authorities becoming responsible for public health, improved integration of health and social care in the care of the elderly, and local authorities taking commissioning responsibility for the public health of children ages 0 to 5 years will potentially support health and social care practitioners in improving the health of their patients, clients and communities.” – Sabrina Fuller, Head of Health Improvement, NHS England

Study sponsorship: Chief Scientist Office, Health Department, Scottish Government; and Nordic Campbell Collaboration (NC2), Norway.


Alcohol Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Impact of smoke-free legislation on population health

By NICE (2013)

Overview: In 2004, more than a third of non-smoking adults worldwide (33% of male non-smokers and 35% of female non-smokers), and 40% of children, were exposed to second-hand smoke. This exposure is estimated to have caused 379,000 deaths from ischaemic heart disease, 165,000 from lower respiratory infections, 36,900 from asthma and 21,400 from lung cancer (Öberg et al. 2011). Passive smoking can also affect fetal health, increasing the risk of low birth weight and premature birth if the mother is exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy (Crane et al. 2011).

By July 2007, smoking in enclosed public spaces, such as pubs and restaurants, and in workplaces had been banned throughout the UK. Similar legislation in Scotland resulted in a large reduction in exposure to second-hand smoke, which has been greatest in non-smokers living in non-smoking households (Haw and Gruer 2007). Early evidence suggests that the introduction of regional and national legislation banning smoking in public places around the world has reduced the incidence of diseases associated with second-hand smoke (Tan et al. 2012).

Current advice: The NICE public health guidance on tobacco and harm-reduction approaches to smoking and the associated NICE Pathway discuss the risks of exposure to second-hand smoke.

NICE guidance on quitting smoking in pregnancy and following childbirth recommends that healthcare professionals should in their first consultation with a pregnant woman discuss her smoking status and measure her carbon monoxide levels. Women who don’t smoke but have high levels as a result of exposure to second-hand smoke should be provided with information about the hazards of passive smoking.

New evidence: Cox et al. (2013) assessed whether bans on smoking in Belgium introduced successively in public spaces and workplaces (January 2006), restaurants (January 2007) and bars serving food (January 2010) affected the risk of preterm birth. The authors undertook logistic regression analysis of all live-born singleton births delivered at 24–44 weeks’ gestation in the Flanders region (n=606,877), adjusting for various infant, maternal and environmental factors.

Of the 448,520 spontaneous births that took place between January 2002 and December 2011, 32,123 (7.2%) occurred before gestational age of 37 weeks. The three types of smoking ban introduced were all associated with an immediate and sustained reduction in the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery (p<0.05 for all). The reduction was greatest for the ban on smoking in restaurants (step change –3.13%, 95% CI –4.37% to –1.87%, p<0.01) and then the ban on smoking in bars serving food (annual slope change –2.65%, 95% CI –5.11% to –0.13%, p=0.04). The risk of all types of preterm birth also showed a step decrease after 2007 (–3.18%, 95% CI –5.38% to –0.94%, p<0.01) and gradual drop after 2010 (–3.50%, 95% CI –6.35% to –0.57%, p=0.02 respectively). However, none of the smoke-free legislation had any effect on the risk of low birth weight (<2500 g), small for gestational age deliveries (birth weight below the 10th centile for the gestational age and sex of the baby) or average birth weight.

Sims et al. (2013) assessed whether emergency admissions for adults with asthma were affected by the introduction of legislation banning smoking in enclosed public spaces and workplaces in England. Hospital Episode Statistics were used to identify 502,000 emergency admissions for asthma in people aged 16 and over between 1997 and 2010. After adjusting for season, variation in population size and long-term trends in admissions, the introduction of smoke-free legislation in 2007 was associated with a 4.9% (95% CI 0.6% to 9.0%) drop in emergency admissions for asthma. The authors estimated that the legislation prevented approximately 1900 emergency admissions for asthma in the first year after implementation, and avoided a similar number of cases in the second and third years after introduction.

Commentary: “Both of these studies add to the growing evidence that smoke-free legislation is effective at reducing poor health. Cox et al. (2013) reported reductions in preterm deliveries following the phased introduction of legislation in Belgium, in line with the findings of previous studies conducted in Scotland and USA. Although Cox et al. (2013)’s findings are not novel, they add to the relatively small evidence base and reinforce the existing NICE guidance that pregnant women should be advised of the hazards of exposure to second-hand smoke. Antenatal visits usually start around the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, so this advice could be extended to women planning pregnancies.

“Sims et al. (2013) reported a reduction in emergency admissions for asthma in adults after introduction of smoke-free legislation in England. Millett et al. (2013) have recently reported reductions in childhood asthma in England after implementation of the legislation. These studies corroborate findings from other jurisdictions – including Scotland, the USA, Canada and Ireland – and demonstrate the effectiveness of existing UK legislation protecting from exposure in enclosed public places. More legislation is needed to encompass places not currently covered by English law, in particular private vehicles.” – Professor Jill Pell, Henry Mechan Professor of Public Health, University of Glasgow

Study sponsorship: The Flemish Scientific fund, the European Research Council and Hasselt University sponsored Cox et al. (2013) and the Sims et al. (2013) study was funded by the Department of Health’s Policy Research Programme.

Guidance Health Promotion Healthy Settings Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity

Interventions to improve physical activity in socioeconomically disadvantaged women

By NICE (2013)

Overview: Lack of physical activity is a risk factor for chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Physical inactivity in the UK has been estimated to have cost the NHS £0.9 billion in related ill health in 2006–07 (Scarborough et al. 2011).

Women are less likely to take part in physical activity than are men: only 28% of women in England meet the current recommended level of physical activity, compared with 40% of men (Start Active, Stay Active 2011). In addition, people from low socioeconomic groups have low rates of participation in physical activity (Kavanagh et al. 2005).

See the NICE Evidence Services topic page on physical activity for a general overview of the subject.

Current advice: The chief medical officers for the 4 UK nations recommend that all adults should aim to be active daily (UK physical activity guidelines 2011). Adults aged 19 years and over should do at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate intensity physical activity a week, such as walking at 3–4 mph. Alternatively adults should complete 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity spread across the week, such as cycling at 12–14 mph, or a combination of moderate and vigorous intensity activity.

NICE guidance on physical activity for adults in primary care recommends that adults who are not currently meeting the UK physical activity guidelines should be advised to do the recommended level of activity. These people should be provided with information about local opportunities to be physically active for people with a range of abilities, preferences and needs. NICE also has public health guidance on four commonly used methods to increase physical activity.

The NICE Pathway on physical activity brings together all related NICE guidance and associated products on the topic in a set of interactive topic-based diagrams.

New evidence: Cleland et al. (2013) did a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials that looked at interventions to increase physical activity in socioeconomically disadvantaged women. The authors searched for studies in women who had a low education status or a low income, were unemployed or in low status occupations, or who lived in an area of low socioeconomic status. A total of 19 studies, most of which were conducted in Europe and North America, were eligible for inclusion in the review. An initial random effects meta-analysis identified significant statistical heterogeneity, so the data could not be pooled to produce an overall measure of effect. Instead the authors conducted analyses of predefined factors that might influence the success of an intervention, such as setting and duration.

Delivery mode was the only factor found to have a significant effect on the success of an intervention to increase physical activity. Studies in which the intervention had a group component – such as group education meetings or practical sessions – found a greater difference between intervention and control groups (standardised mean difference [SMD] 0.36, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.54, p=0.0002) than studies in which the intervention was delivered individually (SMD –0.02, 95% CI –0.35 to 0.31, p=0.90) or in a community setting (SMD –0.02, 95% CI –0.10 to 0.05, p=0.58).

The authors estimated that this difference would be equivalent to an additional 70 minutes of physical activity a week for women in group interventions or an extra 1000 steps a day. The authors noted that most studies in their analysis used self-reported measures of physical activity and that only 5 of the 19 studies included had a low or medium risk of bias. Nevertheless they suggested that the use of group-based approaches is a key factor in interventions that successfully improve physical activity in socioeconomically disadvantaged women.

Commentary: “Evidence exists to support group interventions being successful for other public health measures compared with other interventions; for example, for people quitting smoking. However, it should be noted that group interventions are the format least likely to engage people in quitting, so personal preference needs factoring in. The level of preference for group interventions among the participants in the studies analysed here is not clear, because recruitment and drop out data are not included in a number of the studies.

“In addition, it is unclear whether the effect noted in this study was specifically the result of group approaches or whether the holistic nature of the intervention was the significant factor. Any future work should separate these aspects of intervention delivery.

“Practice in terms of approaches to increasing physical activity should not be changed solely on the basis of this study. The findings do, however, provide useful information for healthcare professionals considering options for increasing physical activity in communities of disadvantaged women. It would be helpful to have comparative cost effectiveness data between individual and group interventions to further support these deliberations.” – Elaine Michel, Director of Public Health, Derbyshire County Council

Study sponsorship: This study was not funded.

Guidance Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity

Physical activity: brief advice for adults in primary care

By NICE (May 2013)

Click here to view this guidance

Children Health Improvement Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Young People

Children and young people's health benchmarking tool

By Public Health England (2013)

This framework brings together and builds on health outcomes data from the Public Health Outcomes Framework and the NHS Outcomes Framework. It responds to the Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum’s recommendation that a version of these frameworks be created which highlights areas of particular relevance to improving the health outcomes of children and young people.

Click here to view this framework