Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Planning seasonal mortality)

Community services: how they can transform care

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This paper looks at the changes needed to realise the full potential of community services for transforming care. It finds that while the emphasis on moving care closer to home has resulted in some reductions in length of hospital stay, it is now time to focus on the bigger issue of how services need to change to fundamentally transform care.

Click here to view this briefing

Alcohol Illegal Drugs Tobacco & Drugs

State of the sector 2013

By DrugScope (2014)

This report contains the findings from a survey of nearly 170 drug and alcohol services, from across England’s four PHE regions. Amongst its findings, it reports that the picture on engagement with health and wellbeing boards (HWBs) and Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) is mixed, with positive examples, but other services reporting a lack of engagement; 35 per cent of drug and alcohol services surveyed reported a decrease in funding, against 20 per cent reporting an increase and 33 per cent no change; and almost half reported that they were employing fewer frontline staff and 6 out of 10 services reported an increase in the use of volunteers.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity

Time to #choosecycling: British cycling's vision for how Britain can become a true cycling nation

By British Cycling (2014)

This report, commissioned by British Cycling from Cambridge University, finds that if people replaced 5 minutes of the 36 minutes they spend each day in the car with cycling, there would be an almost 5% annual reduction in the health burden from inactivity-related illnesses including heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some cancers. It also argues that if 10% of trips in England and Wales were made by bike, the savings to the NHS of the top inactivity related illnesses would be at least £250 million per year.

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Care of the Elderly Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Planning Social Care

Care and support reform implementation

By Local Government Association (2014)

Catering for the health and care needs of our growing and ageing population is a national priority. Reforming our care and support system is vital for us to be able to meet this challenge. The Local Government Association (LGA), Association of Directors and Adult Social Services (ADASS) and Department of Health are working in partnership to support local areas in implementation of the care and support reforms in the context of the other changes and challenges for local health and care systems, including the Better Care Fund.

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Healthy Settings Public Mental Health Well-Being

Wellbeing: why it matters to health policy

By the Department of Health (2014)

These documents contain evidence on why wellbeing matters to health throughout someone’s life, and what policy makers can do about it.

Click here to view this document

Children Commissioning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Child health in the new NHS

by the National Children’s Bureau (2014)

This report presents the results of the September 2013 independent survey of those directly involved in the commissioning, management and delivery of health and related services, and some analysis and reflections on the findings

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Accident Prevention Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Mortality seasonal mortality)

Focus on: distance from home to emergency care

The Nuffield Trust (2014)

This QualityWatch Focus On report examines the typical distances
from home that people travel to receive emergency care, and how this has
changed over time. It explores the distances between a person’s home
and the hospital at which they attended A&E, or received an emergency
inpatient admission, using Hospital Episode Statistics from the 10-year
period from 2001/02 to 2011/12.

Click here to access the report

Health Promotion Healthy Settings Library Licensing Planning Value

One person: one team: one system: report of the independent commission on whole person care

By Sir John Oldham, Chair of the Independent Commission on Whole Person Care (2014)

The emphasis of this report is recommendations for
an incoming Government in 2015. They are built on
three themes: giving meaningful power to people
using the health and care system; reorienting the
whole system around the true needs of the population
in the 21st century; and, addressing the biases in the
established system that prevent necessary change
happening. For too long health and social care have
been considered separately. They are inextricably
linked. However we do not believe the answer includes
yet another major structural reform at this time. The
scale of recent reforms so damaged the NHS and care
system that we believe it would not survive intact from
a further dose of structural change. We are not saying
that the current structures are right, or that they won’t
need to change in the future – they aren’t and they
on national organisations. However, relationships and
culture trump structures. We should not focus now on
what the structures are, but the relationships among
them, the people who work in them, and what they do.
This is the essence of care and what really matters.
These changes may not be as tangible and headline
grabbing as scrapping and creating organisations.
Arguably they are, taken together, more radical.

Click here to view this report


CQC indicators for mortality and emergency readmissions using Hospital Episode Statistics

By Care Quality Commission (2013)

Following the ending of the Healthcare Resource Group (HRG) v3.5 categorisation of patient events, CQC has developed new indicators to analyse mortality and emergency readmission data using Hospital Episode Statistics information.

Click here to view these indicators

Mortality Patient Safety

Day of week of procedure and 30 day mortality for elective surgery: retrospective analysis of hospital episode statistics

Aylin, P. et al. BMJ, 2013; 346:f2424

The study suggests a higher risk of death for patients who
have elective surgical procedures carried out later in the working week
and at the weekend.

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