Depression General Practice Long-Term Conditions Medicines Management Public Mental Health

Focus on: antidepressant prescribing: trends in the prescribing of antidepressants in primary care

By The Nuffield Trust (2014)

This research, conducted jointly between The Nuffield Trust and The Health Foundation, reveals that the financial crisis and subsequent recession saw a significant acceleration in the numbers of antidepressants prescribed by GPs. This striking increase is despite the incidence of depression having risen much more slowly over the same time period, meaning that either antidepressants were heavily under-prescribed in 1998, or they are heavily overprescribed now.

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Alcohol Cancer Statistics Tobacco & Drugs

Public Health Outcomes Framework: overarching indicators

By Public Health England (2014)

The Public Health Outcomes Framework data tool has been updated and indicators on cancers diagnosed at an early stage have been included as a preliminary data for the first time. Alcohol-related hospital admissions from the Local Alcohol Profiles for England have also been added. The web-based tool, which is refreshed quarterly, brings together available indicators from the framework to help local authorities and others understand how well public health is being improved and protected. The next update is due in August.

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Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

The RSPH guide to commissioning for health improvement

By The Royal Society for Public Health (2014)

This guide provides an overview of the commissioning process aimed at providers and commissioners of health improvement services. Following the move of public health into local authorities, the guide is intended to assist commissioners adopt strategic approaches and make the most of the opportunities presented by changes to commissioning.

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Care of the Elderly Health Promotion Mortality

Looking forward to later life: taking an early action approach to our aging society

By Community Links (2014)

This report calls for an early action approach to preventative action and argues that this would result in a ‘triple dividend’ of improved lives, costing less, contributing more.

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Alcohol Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Electronic cigarettes: a report commissioned by Public Health England

By Public Health England (2014)

These reports, commissioned by PHE, examine the evidence on risks and opportunities presented by electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes takes a broad look at the issues relating to e-cigarettes including their role in tobacco harm reduction, potential hazards, potential benefits and regulation. E-cigarette uptake and marketing examines use of e-cigarettes by children and young people, the scale and nature of current marketing and its implications, in particular in relation to its potential appeal to young people.

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End of Life Care Mortality Patient Experience

National care of the dying audit for hospitals, England: National report 2014

By The Royal College of Physicians (2014)

This report has found significant variations in care across hospitals in England.  The audit shows that major improvements need to be made to ensure better care for dying people, and better support for their families, carers, friends and those important to them. While previous audits had been based on the goals of care within the Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient (LCP), the new audit sampled the care of dying people in hospital, regardless of whether they were supported by the LCP or other care pathways or frameworks, and included more hospitals than the previous audits.

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Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Long-Term Conditions Mortality seasonal mortality) Self-Management Well-Being

Supporting people to manage their health: an introduction to patient activation

By The King’s Fund (2014)

With 60 to 70 per cent of premature deaths caused by detrimental health behaviours, it is vital that people engage more with improving their own health. This paper introduces a way of conceptualising and measuring that engagement known as ‘patient activation’. Patient activation can be used to reduce health inequalities and deliver improved outcomes, better quality care and lower costs. Drawing on US and UK-based evidence, the paper describes the robust patient-reported measure used to gauge patient activation.

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Supporting people to manage their health: an introduction to patient activation

By The King’s Fund (2014)


Infant Feeding Maternal

Breastfeeding and lactation research: exploring a tool to measure infant feeding patterns

Noel-Weiss. J.  et al. International Breastfeeding Journal. 2014; 9(5)

The goal of this research project was to develop and test a tool to measure patterns of infant feeding for breastfeeding and lactation research.

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Children CYP Healthcare Infant Mortality Mortality Young People

Why children die: death in infants, children and young people in the UK

By Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health (2014)

This report published by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) reviews existing UK evidence on child mortality. It finds that many of the causes of child death, including perinatal deaths and suicides, disproportionately affect the most disadvantaged in society. In response to the report, the College in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau have developed a suite of recommendations to tackle child mortality in England. These recommendations cut across the three domains of government and civil society, health systems and organisations, and health care and public health.

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