Guidance Sexual Health

Chlamydia detection rate: considerations for commissioning

By Public Health England (2014)

In this guidance the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) outlines ways to improve the effectiveness and value for money of chlamydia screening in a local authority’s population of 15 to 24 year olds.

The guidance suggests a number of activities to support local authorities to work towards achieving the Department of Health recommended chlamydia detection rate of 2,300 chlamydia diagnoses per 100,000 15 to 24 year olds, a Health Protection indicator within the Public Health Outcomes Framework.

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Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning for value: comprehensive data packs to support CCGs and area teams

By NHS England (2014)

NHS England is committed to giving CCGs and area teams practical support in gathering data, evidence and tools to help them transform the way care is delivered for their patients and populations.

Working with Public Health England and NHS Right Care, NHS England is providing a suite of materials to support effective ‘commissioning for value’. This includes a range of comprehensive data packs and online tools.

The first packs – released in October 2013 – clearly showed CCGs and area teams ‘where to look’ as a first stage to identify real opportunities to improve outcomes and increase value for local populations.

The ‘Pathways on a Page’ packs – published in November 2014 – provide in depth data for 13 patient conditions, within those programmes that were most commonly identified as offering the greatest potential improvements in the first pack.

The use of this localised information as part of the annual planning cycle is encouraged. It will support discussions about prioritising areas for change and utilising resources, and will help local leaders make improvements in healthcare quality, outcomes and efficiency.

The information in the packs will be of particular interest to CCG clinical and management leads with responsibility for finance, performance, improvement and health outcomes; to area team leads; and to commissioning support teams who are helping CCGs with this work. A range of additional free support to accompany the data is set out within each pack.

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Finance Library

Financial sustainability of local authorities 2014

By National Audit Office (2014)

This report finds that local authorities have coped well with reductions in government funding, but some groups of authorities are showing clear signs of financial stress. However, it finds that The Department for Communities and Local Government has a limited understanding of authorities’ financial sustainability and the impacts of funding cuts on services.

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CVD Health Checks Health Promotion Healthy Settings Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Markets for good: the next generation of public service reform

By Reform (2014)

The NHS Health Check is for 40 to 74 year olds and aims to reduce the risk of people developing preventable conditions. This paper sets out the research and evaluation priorities for the programme and provides input from stakeholders from across the public health sector, as well as Public Health England’s understanding of current knowledge and academic research on NHS Health Checks. The consultation closes on 19 December 2014.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings

Healthy cities: promoting health and equality: evidence for local policy and practice

By WHO Europe (2014)

This publication summarizes the evaluation of Phase V (2009–2013) of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network. The evaluation findings are rooted in the enduring values such as equity, governance, partnership, participation and sustainability. Also considering the core Phase V themes, this publication focuses on policy and governance, healthy urban environments and design, caring and supportive environments, health and active living, national networks’ performance and effects on health and equity. The evaluation finds good progress among cities and networks that differs in scale and quality. The healthy cities movement adds value and allows local governments to invest in health and well-being and address inequities through novel approaches to developing health.

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Care of the Elderly Commissioning Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Public health responses to an ageing society: opportunities and challenges

By International Longevity Centre (2014)

This report explores the extent to which England’s public health structures are able to respond to the ageing population after the reforms introduced by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. It argues that some localities are embracing the opportunities provided by their new public health responsibilities, by taking a life-course approach to health and by commissioning services that both encourage healthy ageing and improve the health of the current old. However, it argues that some local authorities still need support to deliver effective policies in an area as complex and fast-changing as public health. 

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Children Healthy Settings Obesity Young People

Healthy patterns for healthy families: removing the hurdles to a healthy family

By The All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood (2014)

This is the first report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood which aims to develop practical policies to reduce the scale of childhood obesity by engaging with a wide variety of interests and experts in the sector.

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Children CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Poverty Young People

At what cost? exposing the impact of poverty on school life

By The Children’s Commission on Poverty (2014)

This report explains what school life is like for children living in poverty and sets out urgent changes that the Children’s Commission on Poverty recommends so that no child is isolated, stigmatised or excluded from opportunities at school.

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CYP Healthcare Patient Experience Public Mental Health

On the edge: ChildLine spotlight: suicide

By ChildLine (20140

This report looks at what young people have told ChildLine, and examines what they need when they are already distressed and contemplating taking their own lives. It outlines the key issues young people raised and how the stigma of suicide means that the adults in their lives are failing to spot the signs, finding it hard to listen to their distress, and are sometimes providing inadequate levels of support.

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Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

How to commission better mental health and well-being services for young people

By Mental Health Foundation (2014)

This guide is aimed at those with a responsibility for commissioning mental health and wellbeing services for young people, and draws on young people’s own experiences. It is based on Right Here, a pioneering five- year programme run by the Mental Health Foundation and Paul Hamlyn Foundation at four sites across the UK.

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