Care of the Elderly Finance Older people

Going home alone: counting the cost to older people and the NHS

By Royal Voluntary Service (2014)

This report, written in association with The King’s Fund, argues that older people returning home from hospital without enough support are more than twice as likely to be readmitted within three months. It argues that older people and their families, doctors, nurses, other charities, the general public and commissioners working together we can challenge the rising readmission rates for older people, to the benefit of everyone.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Sexual Exploitation Sexual Health

Sexual exploitation of children: Ofsted thematic report

By Ofsted (2014)

This thematic inspection was commissioned to evaluate the effectiveness of local authorities’ current response to child sexual exploitation. The report draws on evidence from inspection and case examination in eight local authorities and from the views of children and young people, parents, carers, practitioners and managers.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Implementation study: integrated review at age 2 to 2-and-a-half years – integrating the early years foundation stage progress check and the healthy child programme health and development review

By Department for Education (2014)

A report looking at different approaches to integrating the EYFS progress check at age 2 with the HCP health review at age 2 to 2-and-a-half years.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being

Child health profiles

By Public Health England (2014)

Using the same indicators as Child Health Profiles (published for each local authority), we have developed a new way of looking at national trends in issues affecting child health and wellbeing.

Click here to view these indicators

Cancer Patient Experience Quality

Improving the experience of care for cancer patients

By NHS Improving Quality (2014)

This introductory guide aims to help cancer teams and professionals at all levels within a Trust to drive continual improvement in patient experience, using tried and tested tools and techniques.

Click here to view this guide

Autism Commissioning Healthy Settings Learning Disabilities Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Winterbourne view: time for change: Transforming the commissioning of services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism

By Transforming Care and Commissioning Steering Group (2014)

Sir Stephen Bubb, chief executive of charity leaders body ACEVO, was asked by NHS England to work with stakeholders and make recommendations for the development of a national commissioning framework to address the shortcomings in the provision of support for people with learning disabilities. The report makes a series of recommendations for the NHS, local government, regulators and the government, that include a robust NHS commissioning framework to support people with learning disabilities and autism move out of hospitals and into the community.

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General Practice Healthy Settings Patient Experience Primary Care Commissioning

An inquiry into patient centred care in the 21st century: implications for general practice and primary care

By Royal College of General Practitioners (2014)

This inquiry concluded that clinicians must work with patients in a different way, providing personalised care and empowering patients to play an active role in managing their health. The report also calls for a shift in the way that general practice is delivered, so that practices come together as federations or networks and work with a range of other services to deliver coordinated and proactive care in the community.

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Mental Health Nursing Public Mental Health

Frontline First Turning back the clock? RCN report on mental health services in the UK

By Royal College of Nursing (2014)

This special report seeks to highlight the issues facing the mental health nursing community and puts the case forward for greater investment in this vital service in conjunction with Rethink Mental Illness.

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Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Next steps towards primary care co-commissioning

By NHS England (2014)

The purpose of the document is to give CCGs the opportunity to choose afresh the co-commissioning model they wish to assume. It clarifies the opportunities and parameters of each co-commissioning model and the steps towards implementing arrangements.

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Mortality Obesity

Obesity and fitness: the relation between obesity, cardiorespiratory fitness and mortality

By Public Health England (2014)

This paper presents recent evidence on the relationship between obesity, cardiovascular fitness and mortality, and briefly explores the main public health implications.

Click here to view this briefing paper