CCGs Commissioning Community Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning better community services for NHS patients

By Monitor (2015)

This report looks at what CCGs are doing about community services as the contracts entered into after the Transforming Community Services programme expire. As contracts expire, commissioners need to consider what options are best for patients. This review of community services commissioning explaining how commissioners can support a move to more co-ordinated care for patients closer to home.

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CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease

Collaborative tuberculosis strategy for England 2015 to 2020

By Public Health England (2015)

This strategy outlines how Public Health England and NHS England intend to organise and resource services to tackle tuberculosis (TB) from 2015 to 2020. It looks at using the assets that already exist in the NHS and the public health system to: support and strengthen local services in tackling TB (particularly in areas of high incidence); ensure clear lines of accountability and responsibility; and provide national support for local action.

Click here to view this strategy

Healthy Settings Information Library Long-Term Conditions Social Care Statistics Technology

Health and social care information sources: a guide for journalists

By Health & Social Care Information Centre (2015)

Health and social care information sources – a guide for journalists, England, 2015, is a resource for journalists, press teams and others with an interest in health and social care information. It is intended to signpost sources of some of the main areas of health and social care information in England.

The HSCIC produces over 220 national statistical publications per year, covering topics in health, technology and social care. These anonymised, aggregated figures provide a wealth of data and insight to the NHS and wider health and social care sectors, helping to plan services, identify trends and research into particular illnesses and conditions.

Click here to view this guide

Aging Care of the Elderly

Promising approaches to reducing lonliness and isolation in later life

By Age UK (2015)

This report raises concerns around loneliness in older people and the public health risks that are associated with social isolation in later life. It sets out a new framework for understanding how to tackle the problem, presenting a range of projects and examples from around the country demonstrating the many, varied solutions needed for an effective response to a very personal problem. It calls on action from various sectors including social care and public health.

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Commissioning Long-Term Conditions Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Personalised care for long term conditions

By NHS England (2015)

These handbooks are aimed at supporting commissioners and practitioners in planning services for people with long term conditions (LTCs) in order to achieve more effective, personalised care. The guides cover three key areas: identifying people in the population with LTCs that are most vulnerable and at risk of unplanned hospital admissions; planning personalised care and support; and best-practice multi-disciplinary working across professional and organisational boundaries.

Click here to view these handbooks

Finance Healthy Settings Local Government

The coalition's record on health: policy, spending and outcomes 2010-2015

By The London School of Economics et al. (2015)

This report is part of a larger piece of research funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Nuffield Foundation and carried out by LSE, University of York and University of Manchester. This working paper presents the results of an audit of the Coalition government’s record on health policy during the period 2010-15. The accompanying full overview report presents an assessment of the Coalition’s performance on social policy in general during 2010-15.

Click here to view the working paper

Click here to view the overview report

CCGs Commissioning General Practice Licensing Planning

Risk or reward: the changing role of CCGs in General Practice

By The King’s Fund & Nuffield Trust (2015)

This report, written jointly with the Nuffield Trust, finds that CCGs risk becoming unsustainable without changes to the way they attract leaders and adequate funding to help them expand their remit. The report also highlights concerns that changes to the way primary care is commissioned in England; waning levels of engagement from GPs with a formal role in CCGs; and cuts to CCG management budgets means these bodies risk becoming unsustainable.

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Library Nutrition Obesity

Tackling the causes and effects of obesity

By Local Government Association (2015)

This report argues that health problems associated with being overweight or obese cost the country £5 billion per year, with numbers of people with obesity predicted to more than double in the next 40 years. It warns that councils do not have enough money in their public health budgets to properly tackle obesity once mandatory services such as sexual health and drug and alcohol services have been paid for. The report calls for a fifth of existing VAT raised on sweets, crisps, takeaway food and sugary drinks to go to boost council-run grassroots initiatives with a proven track record, such as leisure activities and health awareness campaigns.

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Healthy Settings Public Health

What stakeholders think of Public Health England

By Ipsos MORI Social research Institute (2015)

A summary of findings.

Click here to view this summary

Alcohol Illegal Drugs Library Substance Misuse Young People

Specialist substance misuse treatment for young people in England 2013-14

By Public Health England (2015)

This report contains the latest statistics on specialist substance misuse treatment for young people in England during 2013 to 2014.

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