
Recent trends in life expectancy at older ages

CCGs Commissioning Guidance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

Guidance to support the introduction of access and waiting times standards for mental health services in 2015/16

By NHS England (2015)

This guidance is aimed at CCGs and how new access and waiting time standards for mental health services are to be introduced. It explains the case for change in four areas and sets out the expectations of local commissioners for delivery during the year ahead working with providers and other partners.

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Health Inequality Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Health on the high street

By The Royal Society for Public Health (2015)

A league table of the “unhealthiest High Streets” has named Preston as the UK’s worst offender.

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Commissioning Good Practice Healthy Settings Licensing Patient Safety Planning

The NHS under the coalition government: part one: NHS reforms

By The King’s Fund (2014)

The 2010–15 parliament has been a parliament of two halves for the NHS. The first half was dominated by debate on the Health and Social Care Bill (which was largely designed to devolve decision-making, put GPs in control of commissioning, and extend competition and choice). The second half was taken up with limiting the damage caused by the Bill, with less emphasis on competition and greater efforts to strengthen the regulation and quality of care and prioritise patient safety.

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The NHS under the coalition government: part one: NHS reforms

By The King’s Fund (2015)

The Health and Social Care Act caused upheaval that has been damaging and distracting, according to our new report, which assesses the coalition government’s record on NHS reform. The report found that three years were wasted on organisational changes when the focus should have been on dealing with financial and service pressures.



It is more positive about the progress made in developing integrated care and the focus on safety and quality of patient care, which has characterised the second half of the parliament


Community General Practice Licensing Patient Satisfaction Planning Secondary Care

Moving services out of hospital: joining up General Practice and community services?

By Policy Research Unit in Commissioning and the Healthcare System (PRUComm) (2014)

This report summarises the findings of a rapid review undertaken by PRUComm of the available evidence of what factors should be taken into account in planning for the closer working of primary and community health/care services in order to increase the scope of services provided outside of hospitals. This report was commissioned by the Department of Health to provide background evidence to support policy development on primary and community health care integration.

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Children Finance Public Mental Health

Investing in children's mental health: a review of evidence on the costs and benefits of increased service provision

By Centre for Mental Health (2015)

This report makes the case for investing in children’s mental health services as it is excellent value for money and will bring a lifetime of benefits to young people, their families, communities and the economy as a whole. It also warns that to achieve the best value for money, children’s mental health services need to reach out to those who need them most and to be delivered to a high standard.

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Health Inequalities Library Obesity

How effective are interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among children and adults? Two systematic reviews

By National Institute for Health Research (2015)

Tackling obesity is one of the major contemporary public health policy challenges and is vital in terms of addressing health inequalities. This paper discusses the results of two systematic reviews and found some evidence of interventions with the potential to reduce low-socioeconomic status inequalities in obesity and that obesity management interventions do not increase health inequalities.

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Commissioning CYP Healthcare Well-Being Young People

Improving young people's health and wellbeing: a framework for public health

By Public Health England (2014)

This framework has been developed as a resource to enable local areas in the delivery of their public health role for young people. It poses questions for councillors, health and wellbeing boards, commissioners, providers and education and learning settings to help them support young people to be healthy and to improve outcomes for young people.

Click here to view this framework

Commissioning Guidance Sexual Health

Sexual and reproductive health in England: a guide to local and national data

By Public Health England (2014)

This guidance is designed to help health professionals including local government, service providers and commissioners understand the sexual health data that is available across England and how the data can be accessed. It provides an overview of the information available on sexually transmitted infection (STIs), HIV, contraception, conception and abortion.

Click here to view this guidance