General Practice Licensing Patient Choice Patient Satisfaction Planning Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Exploring patient choice in GP services

By Monitor (2014)

The report presents the findings of a review into how GP services are working for patients, with a specific focus on the role of choice and competition. The review drew on a variety of sources of evidence; a commissioned survey of 3,200 patients, interviews with 25 GP providers and spoke to and gathered information from NHS England, CQC and other stakeholders.

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CCGs Commissioning Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

A guide for CCGs: engaging the public in difficult decisions about health service

By NHS Clinical Commissioners (2015)

This guide draws on case studies of three different reconfiguration programmes and offers some tips on how to get your engagement right.

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Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

Drinking, fast and slow: ten years of the Licensing Act

By Institute of Economic Affairs (2015)

This report finds that the relaxation of licensing laws ten years ago benefited consumers and did not result in the disastrous outcomes predicted at the time. Violent crime fell, alcohol consumption fell and rates of binge-drinking fell, particularly amongst young people. The number of drink-driving accidents also dropped significantly after the act came into force. There was no rise in alcohol-related A&E admissions or alcohol-related deaths.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity Young People

Challenging children's inactivity

By Fit for Sport (2015)

In 2014, Fit For Sport conducted a simple physical activity test to assess key indicators of health and physical literacy of primary age children in 80 schools across the UK. This report includes some of the key findings.

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Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

Alcohol consumption and harmful drinking: trends and social disparities across OECD countries

By OECD Health Working Papers No. 79 (2015)

This paper illustrates trends and social disparities in alcohol consumption and harmful drinking in 20 OECD countries.

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Cancer Statistics

Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients 2014-15 annual report

By NHS England (2015)

The latest annual statistics on waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients accessing NHS services were released on 20th May 2015 by NHS England according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

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Diabetes Guidance Long-Term Conditions Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Foot care services for people with diabetes

By London Diabetes Strategic Clinical Network (2015)

This service specification for commissioners aims to deliver equity of access to foot care for people with diabetes. It outlines the care and management to be provided for people with diabetes no matter the severity, urgency or progression of their disease.

Click here to view this guidance

Alcohol Care of the Elderly Good Practice Long-Term Conditions Patient Satisfaction Public Mental Health Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Peer support: what is it and does it work?

By National Voices (2015)

This review found evidence that peer support can help people feel more knowledgeable, confident and happy, and less isolated and alone. It also showed that there is a limited understanding of the different forms of peer support, how best to deliver support and the forms of training and infrastructure to get the most impact from it. It concludes that further evidence is needed to fully understand the impact that peer support has on the health service and individuals with long-term health conditions.

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Cancer Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Statistics

Cancer waiting times: annual report, 2014-2015

By NHS England (2015)

The latest annual statistics on waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients accessing NHS services were released on 20th May 2015 by NHS England according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

Click here to view the statistics

Alcohol Finance Health Promotion Primary Care Commissioning Tobacco & Drugs

Assessing the impacts of alcohol policies

By OECD Health Working Papers (2015)

This working paper assesses alcohol policies in three countries: Canada, the Czech Republic and Germany. The results show that brief interventions in primary care, typically targeting high-risk drinkers, and tax increases, which affect all drinkers, have the potential to generate large health gains. The impacts of regulation and enforcement policies as well as other health care interventions are more dependent on the setting and mode of implementation, while school-based programmes show less promise. Alcohol policies have the potential to prevent alcohol-related disabilities and injuries in hundreds of thousands of working-age people in the countries examined, with major potential gains in their productivity. Most alcohol policies are estimated to cut health care expenditures to the extent that their implementation costs would be more than offset. Health care interventions and enforcement of drinking-and-driving restrictions are more expensive policies, but they still have very favourable cost-effectiveness profiles.

Click here to view this working paper