Dementia Long-Term Conditions Public Mental Health

Women and dementia: a global research review

By Alzheimer’s Disease International (2015)

The purpose of this report is to understand the main issues affecting women in relation to dementia from an international perspective. The report examines the effect of gender on three specific groups: women living with dementia; women caring for people with dementia in a professional caring role; women undertaking an informal caregiving role for someone with dementia. It also focuses on cross-cutting issues, including factors affecting women in low and middle income countries; family structures and kinship; and the effects of migration.

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Commissioning Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Options for integrated commissioning: beyond Barker

By The King’s Fund (2015)

With around 400 separate local organisations each responsible for commissioning different health and social care services, the current organisational landscape is fragmented and unsustainable. Support is growing for a new settlement based on a single ring-fenced budget and a single local commissioner – as recommended by the Independent Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England, chaired by Kate Barker. This report explores the options for implementing that recommendation. It assesses evidence of past joint commissioning attempts, studies the current policy framework and local innovations in integrated budgets and commissioning, and considers which organisation is best place to take on the role of single local commissioner. It draws together findings from a body of work including a survey of existing joint arrangements, current evidence and examples, a seminar with pioneers of integration developments, and a national conference on integrated commissioning.

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Length of Stay Long-Term Conditions

The impact of primary care quality on inpatient length of stay for people with dementia: an analysis by discharge destination

By Centre for Health Economics (2015)

This paper examines whether the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) dementia review helps to achieve timely hospital discharge for dementia patients. It found that on average the length of stay in hospital for dementia patients is 18 days and that QOF dementia review had little effect on the length of stay.

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Alcohol impact Licensing Planning Tobacco & Drugs

Alcohol: cumulative impact policies

By House of Commons Library (2015)

This briefing paper discusses cumulative impact policies which are a tool for licencing authorities to limit the growth of licenced premises in problem areas.

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Health Inequality Healthy Settings Patient Choice

Socioeconomic Inequality of Access to Healthcare: Does Patients’ Choice Explain the Gradient? Evidence from the English NHS

By Centre for Health Economics (2015)

Equity of access is a key policy objective in publicly-funded healthcare systems. Using data on patients undergoing non-emergency heart revascularization procedures in the English NHS, this research paper finds evidence of significant differences in waiting times within public hospitals between patients with different socioeconomic status (up to 35% difference between the most and least deprived population quintiles).

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Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Local Government Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

Health and social care priorities for the Government: 2015-2020

By The Nuffield Trust (2015)

This briefing outlines ten possible key health and social care priorities for the new government, covering funding and finance, quality of care, new models of care and workforce.

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Alcohol Mortality Young People

OECD outlines action for governments to tackle heavy cost of harmful drinking

By OECD (2015)

Harmful drinking is on the rise among young people and women in many OECD countries, partly due to alcohol becoming more available, more affordable and more effectively advertised, according to a new OECD report. Click here to view this report
Fuel Poverty Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings seasonal mortality) Statistics

Annual fuel poverty statistics report, 2015

by Department of Energy & Climate Change (2015)

This publication provides a comprehensive view of the latest statistical trends and analysis of fuel poverty in England, including the number of households living in fuel poverty, analysis of the composition of the fuel poor group in 2013, projections of the number of households in fuel poverty in 2014 and 2015 and estimates of sub-regional fuel poverty.

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Alcohol Healthy Settings

Local alcohol profiles for England: latest update

By Public Health England (2015)

Alcohol use has health and social consequences borne by individuals, their families, and the wider community. The aim of these profiles is to provide information for local government, health organisations, commissioners and other agencies to monitor the impact of alcohol on local communities, and to monitor the services and initiatives that have been put in place to prevent and reduce the harmful impact of alcohol. Reducing harmful drinking is one of seven priority areas that Public Health England is focusing efforts on securing improvement. The indicators contained within the web-tool were selected following consultation with stakeholders and a review of the availability of routine data. The Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE) are part of a series of products by Public Health England that provide local data alongside national comparisons to support local health improvement. Click here to view the profiles
Diabetes Type 2 Healthy Settings Long-Term Conditions Nutrition Obesity

Sugar and health

By House of Commons Library (2015)

Sugars can be added to food and drinks or occur naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk. A high sugar diet increases the risk of tooth decay and weight gain, and high consumption of sugar sweetened drinks is associated with type 2 diabetes. This paper describes trends in sugar consumption in the UK, the public health implications and outlines policy options

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