A&E Alcohol Hospital Admissions Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Alcohol-specific activity in hospitals in England

By the Nuffield Trust (2015)

Alcohol misuse costs the UK economy an estimated £7.3 billion per year. In England alone, estimates suggest that over 15,000 people die from alcohol-related illnesses each year.

The costs to the NHS of alcohol-related harm arise from a number of areas. For example, up to 35% of all Accident & Emergency (A&E) attendance and ambulance costs may be alcohol related. In 2013/14, over a million hospital admissions were as a consequence of an alcohol-related diagnosis, and this figure is increasing. The effect is not only evident in hospital care, with 22 to 35% of GP visits estimated to be related to alcohol. The true impact of alcohol on the health service is likely to be even higher than this.

This report analyses both trends in A&E visits and trends in hospital admissions that are attributable to alcohol-specific activities. Based on the findings it explores opportunities for preventative action.

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Health Inequality Mental Health Public Mental Health

Exploring how avalable NHS data can be used to show the inequality gap in mental healthcare

By Open Public Services Network (2015)

This project, funded by the Cabinet Office Public Sector Transparency Board, set out to explore how far public data about mental health services could be turned into useful public information for people using those services, their families and local communities.

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Care of the Elderly Children Commissioning CYP Healthcare Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Older people Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Excellence in continence care: practical guidance for commissioners, providers, health and social care staff and information for the public

By NHS England (2015)

This guidance finds that increased preventative services, good quality, easily available information and advice, as well as integrated health and social care could have a significant impact on the numbers of children and adults suffering with continence issues and the severity of their health and social problems. It brings together the most up-to-date evidence based resources and research to support commissioners and providers of health services to enable them to make real and lasting changes to raise standards of care for continence. It encourages greater collaboration between health and social care, working in partnership with the third sector, as set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View.

Click here to view this guidance


Towards a more productive state

By Reform (2015)

This report calls for the Government to take a fresh approach to public sector productivity. It outlines the limitations of measuring productivity across whole sectors, such as health and education, rather than comparing productivity across organisations, such as hospitals and schools. It argues for a more coherent approach to reform that considers outcomes, rather than outputs, as the main goal of public services

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Accident Prevention Community Safety Health Promotion Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Local Government seasonal mortality)

The district council contribution to public health: a time of challenge and opportunity

By The King’s Fund (2015)

This report was commissioned by the District Councils’ Network in 2015. Its intention is to contribute to the understanding, assessment and development of the role of district councils in improving the health of their citizens and communities. It focuses on district councils’ role in promoting public health through some of their key functions and enabling roles.

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Care of the Elderly

Briefing: The health and care of older people in England 2015

By Age UK (2015)

This report examines trends in funding, provision and the use of health and care services to investigate whether the health and care system is meeting the needs of older people in England.

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Diabetes Diabetes Type 2 Long-Term Conditions Patient Experience

Diabetes 2015: Care in Crisis: a survey highlighting the views of people with diabetes and how that relates to the reality of today's NHS

By InDependent Diabetes Trust (2015)

This report outlines the results of a survey of over 15,000 people with diabetes and found that 40 per cent of those surveyed believe that the NHS has “worsened” since the reforms. It also found that 37 per cent were not given appropriate advice and information about diet and exercise at the time of diagnosis. It calls on the government to introduce a specialist diabetes organisation which would work with the clinical community to drive improvements in care and stresses that CCGs should be more strongly encouraged to follow NICE commissioning guidance for diabetes education courses.

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CYP Healthcare Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity

What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity?

By Public Health England (2015)

This briefing provides an overview from the evidence about what works in schools and colleges to increase levels of physical activity among children and young people. It is aimed at head teachers, college principals, staff working in education settings, directors of public health and wider partners.

Click here to view this briefing 

Nutrition Obesity Statistics

Obesity statistics

By House of Commons Library (2015)

This briefing gives statistics on obesity for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with international comparisons. Breakdowns by age, gender, local authority and deprivation are given where possible, and data for both adult and child obesity is covered. In addition to statistics on the prevalence of obesity, this briefing gives statistics on prescriptions of drugs for obesity, trends in bariatric surgery, and the detrimental effect of obesity on health.

Click here to view this briefing

Care of the Elderly Licensing Planning Social Care

At a cross-roads: the future likelihood of low incomes in old age

By Centre for Later Life Funding (2015)

This paper argues that a strategy for later life funding must secure effective funding for adult social care. It also recommends implementing the Dilnot reforms and finding ways of ensuring the provision of mass market financial advice.

Click here to view this white paper