Community Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Secondary Care Social Care Third Sector Well-Being

North West Population Health & Prevention Network: promoting multi-professional Public Health Practice

North West Population Health and Prevention Network (NWPHPN) is a multi professional public health network funded by Health Education England working across the North West. The network supports and develops the public health contribution and role of the healthcare, social care and voluntary sector workforce (wider public health workforce) in the North West of England.

The network contributes to the vision set out in HEE Framework 15 and NHS Five Year Forward View 2014 – specifically the strategic intentions associated with reduced health inequalities and improved population health outcomes. Key characteristics of our future health care workforce includes preventing ill health and assisting people to manage their own health care as appropriate – NWPHPN will enable this role, helping to create healthy cultures in NHS organisations – starting with the workforce. (The Kings Fund)

The network is specifically aimed at supporting the health and wellbeing role of a wide range of professions across the medical, non-medical and social care workforce across a range of settings such as local authorities, primary and secondary care, community care and voluntary sector.

Click here to view their website

CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Feeding Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning infant feeding services

By Public Health England (2016)

Public Health England and Unicef UK have developed guidance to support the commissioning of evidence-based interventions to improve breastfeeding rates across England. The toolkit consists of three parts: infographics which highlight the key issues; good practice guidance for commissioners; and guidance on effective data collection, monitoring and reporting.

Click here to view this guidance

Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Well-Being

Towards a new age: the future of the UK welfare state

By The International Longevity Centre (2016)

This publication features contributions from more than 20 leading public figures on the reforms necessary to ensure the future of the welfare state. It discusses the reforms to housing, health, education, the labour market, pension and welfare needed to ensure the future sustainability of the UK welfare state. The aim of the publication is to explore how population ageing might impact on the welfare state and what reforms to the welfare state might be necessary in order to ensure long run sustainability and maximise wellbeing?

Click here to view this publication

Healthy Settings Well-Being

Years of Good Life Based on Income and Health: Re-Engineering Cost-Benefit Analysis to Examine Policy Impacts on Wellbeing and Distributive Justice

By Centre for Health Economics (2016)

This paper proposes a practical measure of individual wellbeing to facilitate the economic evaluation of public policies. It shows how evaluating policies in terms of years of good life gained can complement and generalise conventional cost-benefit analysis in terms of money. It also aims to show how years of good life could be measured in practice by harnessing readily available data on three important elements of individual wellbeing: income, health-related quality of life, and longevity.

Please click here to view this paper

Healthy Settings Licensing Planning

British Social Attitudes Survey

By NatCen Social Research (2016)

This year’s British Social Attitudes survey focused on the consequences of seven years of austerity for social and political attitudes in Britain. The chapter on the NHS explores levels of dissatisfaction with the NHS and how this has changed over time and in relation to trends in NHS funding. It examines new data identifying the reasons for NHS dissatisfaction and satisfaction.

Click here to view this survey

Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Local Government Planning

Supporting integration through new roles and working across boundaries

By The King’s Fund (2016)

This report looks at the evidence on new roles and ways of spanning organisational workforce boundaries to deliver integrated health and social care. Commissioned by NHS Employers and the Local Government Association, it finds increasing focus on roles which facilitate co-ordination and management of care, development of existing roles to increase the skill-mix and enable the provision of more holistic care, and a limited number of truly innovative roles, the most notable being care navigators and community facilitators, enablers or link workers. Given that many of the skills required for integrated care already exist within the workforce, it suggests the central question is how to use those skills more effectively to support boundary-spanning activities.

Click here to view this report

Library Statistics

Statistics on alcohol

By House of Commons Library (2016)

A summary of statistics on drinking alcohol among adults in Great Britain and children in England. Data on alcohol related hospital admissions in England and Scotland and alcohol related deaths in England is also shown.

Click here to view this briefing

Accident Prevention Community Pharmacy Community Safety Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Primary Care

Supporting the development of community pharmacy practice within primary care

By NHS Alliance (2016)

This paper highlights that community pharmacy in England, with approaching 11,700 pharmacies, represents health on the high street and within our communities. It calls for a community pharmacy-led model of care which fully utilises the expertise of the community pharmacist within the heart of many communities.

Click here to view this report

Alcohol Mortality Statistics

Local alcohol profiles for England: mortality indicators, 2016 annual data update

By Public Health England (2016)

This quarterly update includes:

  • the addition of 2014 deaths to the 4 mortality indicators
  • an adjustment to mortality values across the previous years (because of a change in ICD10 coding for the most recent year)
  • a new drink driving indicator

Click here to view these stats

Health Promotion Licensing Nutrition Obesity Planning

Building the foundations: tackling obesity through planning and development

By Local Government Association (2016)

This report outlines the actions and role that councils can take in helping to prevent and reduce the prevalence of obesity. It examines the role of town planning in contributing to the public health agenda and includes examples from various local authorities around the country. 

Click here to view this report