


Sustainability and transformation plans in the NHS: how are they being developed in practice?

By The King’s Fund (2016)

Based on interviews with senior NHS and local government leaders in four areas, our new report looks at progress in developing sustainability and transformation plans (STPs). Despite criticisms of the process so far, the report urges the government and the NHS to continue to back STPs as the best hope for delivering long-term improvement in health and social care.

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Local health and care planning: menu of preventative interventions

By Public Health England (2016)

Public Health England (PHE) has produced this menu of preventative interventions (MoI), building on the NHS England Prevention Aide-Memoire, a guide that was developed to help local leaders work together across sustainability and transformation plan (STP) footprints.

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40 treatments that should no longer be in use

By The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2016)

Doctors are giving too many patients tests and drugs they do not need, senior medics have warned, as they published a list of 40 treatments which should no longer be in routine use. The unprecedented intervention by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AMRC) follows research which found doctors commonly ordering X-ray, scans and drugs, in cases they believed to be pointless. More than six in 10 medics said their decisions had been driven by a fear of litigation, with just as many saying they ordered interventions because they felt under pressure from patients. The Academy – which represents all 21 medical royal colleges in the UK – has today drawn up a list of 40 treatments and procedures which it says are of little or no benefit to patients.

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South West London Five Year Forward Plan – STP plan

A south London local authority has become the third council to release its full sustainability and transformation plan, and has criticised NHS England’s directive that the plans should not immediately be published.

Sutton Council has today published the full 21 October submission for the south west London STP, claiming that by delaying publication of STPs the NHS has provoked concerns about their content and the process around development.

The document outlines plans to cut the number of acute hospitals on the patch from five to four.

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Engaging local people: a guide for local areas developing Sustainability and Transformational Plans

By NHS England (2016)

This document, set out in the form of questions and answers, is for teams developing Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) in each of the 44 footprint areas, and the statutory organisations which form part of them. Local statutory bodies are responsible for engaging and consulting on their proposals, and the relevant legal duties around engagement and consultation are set out in section 4 and Annex A.
It is intended to clarify the expectations on stakeholder involvement, in particular patient and public participation. It will be of particular interest to communication and engagement leads for STPs and footprint leaders. While the emphasis of this document is on patient and public participation, it is important that as part of their planning processes, those working to deliver STPs consider how they will engage with the governance structures of each of the constituent organisations across their footprint area.

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Health Improvement Healthy Settings Licensing Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity Planning

Green space and health

By Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) (2016)

A range of bodies, including government agencies, have promoted the possible physical and mental health benefits of access to green space. This briefing summarises the evidence for physical and mental health benefits from contact with nature, such as reducing rates of non-communicable diseases, and the challenges for urban green spaces.

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Care of the Elderly Mental Health Older people Public Mental Health

Hidden in plain sight: the unmet mental health needs of older people

By Age UK (2016)

According to this report, the current availability of mental health services does not meet the increasingly high demand from an ageing population. It also found that over a third of mental health trusts in England have no policies for providing integrated care for people over 65 with both mental and physical health needs.

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Health Outcomes Healthy Settings Social Care

The state of health care and adult social care in England 2015/16

By Care Quality Commission (2016)

This annual assessment of the quality of health and adult social care in England has found that most health and adult social care services in England are providing people with safe, high quality and compassionate care – but with pressures rising on demand, access and cost, this report raises concerns about how long this can last. The report also highlights the impact of the fragility of the adult social care market on those who rely on these services and on the performance of NHS care. 

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Care of the Elderly Healthy Settings STPs

Who knows best? Older people’s contribution to understanding and preventing avoidable hospital admissions

By Health Services Management Centre (2016)

The report interviews 104 older people exploring their experiences of emergency admissions. It focuses on whether the older people felt it was appropriate to be admitted to hospital and whether they thought anything could have prevented their admission.

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