Finance Healthy Settings Long-Term Conditions Mortality Stroke

Current, future and avoidable costs of stroke in the UK – Societal costs of stroke in the next 20 years and potential returns from increased spending on research

By The Stroke Association (2017)

This report estimates that the current cost of stroke to the UK is £26 billion every year, a threefold increase from the previous estimated cost of £9 billion. The figures also predict that a growing and ageing population, increasing numbers of stroke survivors, and rising care costs are crucial factors behind the increasing financial burden of stroke over the next 20 years.

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Alcohol e-cigarettes Smoking Cessation Tobacco & Drugs

The regulation of e-cigarettes

By The House of Commons Library (2017)

This briefing provides an overview on the regulation of e-cigarettes in the UK and across Europe. It also outlines new product requirements for e-cigarettes and identifies where national regulations have gone beyond what is in EU regulations.

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NHS Health Checks – Literature reviews

Healthy Settings Licensing Planning

Public Health: Everyone's business

by NHS Providers (2017)

NHS Providers has published Public health: everyone’s business? This second report in the Provider Voices series uses 12 interviews with health leaders from across the NHS and local government, as well as academics, to help gain an understanding of NHS providers’ role in shaping and delivering public health and care

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Healthy Settings Interventions Licensing Planning Preventable/avoidable

Sector-led improvement for public health, prevention and early intervention

By Local Government Association (2017)

The LGA is working with partners at Public Health England and the Association for Directors of Public Health to deliver sector-led improvement activity in 2017/18 for public health, prevention, and early intervention through the care and health improvement programme funded by the Department of Health.

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Sustainability and transformation plans and partnerships

by House of Commons Library (2017)

Click here to view this briefing paper from the House of Commons Library


Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

Models of delivery for stop smoking services: options and evidence

By Public Health England (2017)

This document supports directors of public health and local healthcare commissioners in rapidly appraising the evidence, to enable informed decisions on the provision of local smoking cessation.

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Sustainability and transformation plans in London: an independent analysis

By The King’s Fund

Earlier this year the Mayor of London asked The King’s Fund to undertake an independent assessment of London’s five sustainability and transformation plans (STPs). At a breakfast event this week we launched a joint report with the Nuffield Trust looking at the STPs, their content and common themes.

Click here to view this report


Sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs)

By NHS England

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Emerging approaches Developing sustainability and transformation plan governance arrangements

By HFMA (2017)

The aim of this briefing is to explore the emerging governance arrangements being developed to support the delivery of sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) in the NHS. It provides a background to the introduction of STPs, a review of emerging plans and arrangements and a view on what is working well, alongside a summary of the areas where further work is required. The briefing pulls together experiences for finance staff and others to use in developing their own robust governance arrangements.

Click here to view this briefing